April Minutes
Meeting held at Waverly Brewing.
- Officer Update - Kris
- As a reminder, these are the elected officers for this calendar year.
- Brewmaster: Jacob Wolf
- Treasurer: Greg Schwender
- Meeting Czar: Kristofer Quinn
- Chilibrew Czar: Mike Andrews
- Education Czar: Jon Blair
- Quartermaster: Ciaran Ussher
- Social Secretary: Ryan Detter
- Website Coordinator: Brent Hoffmann
- We still have 2 vacant positions, although it sounds like Nick Lindow may step up for Secretary. If you have any interest in becoming the Guild Rep, please step forward.
The secretary is responsible for taking meeting minutes and memorializing them in an email or word document. Is also responsible for voting.
Guild Rep
The Guild Rep is our club’s representative to the Freestate Homebrew Guild. There are bimonthly meetings at Maryland Homebrew in Columbia, MD.
- Big Brew - Jacob
- Big Brew is coming up on May 6th! Watch for updates from Jacob to coordinate brews and supplies. Please swing by for part of the day. The event starts at 9:30 AM in the parking lot of Nepethene.
- Social - Detter
- Lots of social events are going down this weekend. Here's a list!
- Ben's Party in Severna Park on Saturday the 29th
- Monument City's Grand Opening in Highlandtown on Saturday
- Key Brewing Cookout in Dundalk on Saturday(maybe?)
- WTMD Brews and Band in Towson on Saturday
- DC Beer Festival in DC on Saturday
- Apples to Apples at Blue Pit on Sunday
- There was interest in organizing a social event at the Brass Tap, owned and operated by Baltibrewer Barry Lowenthal.
- Chilibrew - Mike
- Mike is looking for a coordinator to help with Chili Brew. Please reach out to him if you're interested in helping.
- 501c3/501c7 Update - Greg
- The paperwork to incorporate Baltibrew was filed. We can now move forward with applying for either 501c3 or 507c7 status. This item was debated at length a year and half ago. There has been some significant turnover in the club since then. More information will be provided on this before the next meeting.
- Ed Topic - Saccharomyces Eubayanus
- Saccharomyces Eubayanus and it's role as a parent of Lager Yeast was discussed.
- Homebrew Swap!
- Many tasty brews were exchanged include a Grodziskie (polish smoked wheat beer), NEIPA, Kettle Sour Pale Ale, and more!