March 22, 2019 by lpbrewer
Baltibrew Monthly Meeting Minutes
March 21 @ De Kleine Duivel
Introductions - Old Members/New Faces
Guild Updates
- Based on the feedback from the club the Guild Holiday party will feature 4 prize categories next year.
- The guild is still in the process of applying for non-profit status.
- The BJCP course at MDHB started on 3/10. It’s a shorter 7 week course and a great way to sample a broad range of classic styles.
- Guild Summer Picnic and Wheat Beer is on for Saturday, June 1st. They secured their normal shelter. This is a family friendly event in Patapsco Park. There is a $3 a car entry fee for the park.
- If you are planning on going to Homebrewcon in Rhode Island this year they are trying to coordinate between the clubs. Ping John if you are making the trip to get plugged in to other MD clubs.
Upcoming Events
- MALT Bus Trip, March 23rd
17 seats were still available as of monday. If you don’t have anything going on this weekend please support the MALT club. Tickets are available at - Brubakes, April 14th!
Competitor spots are still open. We have 8 or maybe 9 brewers/bakers present! Jon is looking into a glassware order. Time to get the word out! - Big Brew, May 4th!
Brewtherville is going to do Big Brew @ BC Brewing and has extended an invitation. Jude will follow up with more information
Old Business
- Nepenthe is open! Check it out!
- Group Brew on 3/2 was a success! We brewed a traditional lambic and used Jon’s coolship. It was bubbling away a few days later so we definitely caught something. Caiti and Becky brewed a second portion to make up for some spillage during transfer. Caiti, Kris, and Becky will coordinate a tasting for some time next year to see how it came out!
- Club gear liquidation is on the calendar. Ciaran will take inventory when he has time.
- New quorum: 7 for simple majority, 9 for 2/3 majority
New Business/Member Announcements
Ed Topic - Wild Cider & Mead Fermentation! (Part II)
- Caiti gave a wonderful talk and Q&A on making Kombucha and brought three different fermented teas to sample. We will consolidate and send out a summary.
- Kris notched his first Iron Brewer victory with a traditional hefeweizen featuring a ferulic acid rest!
*Homebrew Swap!*