January Meeting Results (Broken Attachment)
It was a marathon, but our January meeting resulted in a fair amount of demonstrable progress.
Three positions were filled with volunteer nominees. Since they ran unopposed, their appointment was not put to a vote. Their duties can be found in the meeting minutes download-able below.
- Treasurer — Greg Slack
- Secretary — Matt McCann
- Guild Rep — John Jester
A vote will be had on an amount to charge members for yearly dues, with the proceeds being used to increase the club's current brewing volume to a level that will allow members to take home a reasonable amount of wort. Additional monies will be spent to create kits that can be checked out. Please make comment on the notion and amount of dues in the comments as you see fit.
We will meet to brew on Saturday February 5th at the home of Greg Slack. We still need to decide what to brew.
Make candidate beer nominations/suggestions in the comments, and we'll put this to a vote starting on Friday, with votes closed on Wed afternoon.