November Meeting/Mead Mazing with Wootown!
Quick reminder that we'll be meeting on 11-3; 8p.m. at Alewife. That's tomorrow.
In addition to this Thursday's meeting, we have been invited to Wootown's annual Mead mazing at the home of Lloyd and Ruth-Ann Snyder. This is a bit of a hike up to White Hall, MD, but it's always a good time and an interesting opportunity to interact with another club, see how they brew, see how they conduct business, and also to take home some mead. Cost for a fermenter is usually around $30, so bring cash or your checkbook. I'll try to give a specific amount before the date.
Agenda after the jump.
The agenda so far is:
- Reiteration of meeting schedules/rules. No homebrew before we adjourn, etc. How to manage the noise in Alewife?
- Guild Holiday Party — When? Where? What we're doing. How we're preparing. Who's coming? Need a headcount.
- Guild Holiday Brew — Recap.
- Guild Holiday Party Prep — Who can get to Heavy Seas before the event?
- Action Items list — ensuring that tasks are completed. How should we run with this?
- Upcoming 2012 officer elections — Reminder about officer positions, start thinking about who should be our officers. More positions needed?
- Shirt Sales — Where? Who? How?
- Upcoming Competitions
- Our own competition?