July Club Brew Details
This Saturday July 14th, baltibrewers will unite at John Jesters House to brew up a rather large batch of what we're calling BALTIBREW de GARDE. Below are some important details:
- Here is the address of John's House (8804 Richmond Ave Carney, MD 21234)
- The brew will last from 9AM ~ 4/5PM. The more help we have the quicker it will go. Members taking wort: plan on being there for the entire time to help out (we promise you won't wanna be anywhere else anyways).
- This is a BYOFood event, so please add in the comments what you plan to contribute to the bounty (there will be a grill available).
- It's also rec'd to bring homebrew/beer to share (preferably some different bier de garde's to try)
- People bringing home wort (see below), please bring your clean bucket, lid, and air lock.
- Although the focus will be on brewing, there is a pool to dip into, so bring your suit and towel.
People taking home wort:
(let us know if you can't make it so we can plan accordingly)
- Ryan B
- Ryan D
- Steve H
- Mike P
- Ian McD
- Dan LaG
- Brent H
- Jester
- Thom R (new attendee - we need to contact him)
- Nate
- (Brent B. - bring your mr. beer fermenter just in case. we might be able to get you 2 gallons)