Comments on: Homebrew Bike Tour A Baltimore collective of homebrewers dedicated to the art and science of beer Sat, 25 Oct 2014 22:51:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: cialis_samples Sat, 25 Oct 2014 22:51:07 +0000 Hey esto es un gran poste. Puedo utilizar una porcin en ella en mi sitio? Por supuesto ligara a su sitio as que la gente podra leer el artculo completo si ella quiso a. Agradece cualquier manera.

By: Ryan Tue, 16 Oct 2012 19:19:06 +0000 This event was AWESOME, though it would have been rad to have some of my Baltibrew homeys there. Big thanks to Ian, who graciously helped me serve, and break down after the second wave of riders/tasters had left.

I served an American Ale with a coffee addition. We spoke a bit about having a daytime ride on a Saturday and showing off brewing techniques to go with the beers served in the future. Great opportunity to evangelize the club, bicycling through the city, and homebrewing in general.
