December Regular + Secret Santa

It's our final regular meeting of the year tomorrow, 12/20 — 8 pm at Dionysus in Mount Vernon.

We'll be conducting a Secret Santa bottle exchange, and we'll start making plans for Baltibrew's busy-as-ever 2013.

If you're interested in taking part in the bottle exchange, post to the forum thread, or email me before 5 pm today (Wednesday.) I'll be running a santa matcher and will notify you of your match well before tomorrow's meeting.



On the agenda for club business:

  • Officer nominations (Guild Rep, Secretary, Treasurer, plus discussion of additional elected roles, and preparation for an online vote.)
  • Guild Holiday Party Wrap-up
  • AHA Conference prep

If you're interested in nominating someone or yourself but can't make the meeting, post in the comments here and we'll bring it up at meeting.

Thanks, and hope to see you there.