And so it begins… Baltimore Beer Week 2013 according to Baltibrew
That's right, Baltibrewers, and Baltibrew fans — Baltimore Beer Week begins today, and we wanted to give everyone out there a heads up on what we believe are the best events over the next ten days. Gird your livers, prepare your excuses for late arrivals at your jobs (Couldn't they have waited just one more week to end the furlough? Debt ceiling be damned!), and start taking your vitamins now, 'cause it's ON!
True to the nature of Baltibrew, we're gonna' stick primarily to events within Baltimore City that are accessible via public transit (It's good for the city, and good for you — and you can't get a DUI if you're taking transit like a responsible citizen) with a few excursions to choice events in the surrounding counties. The events are listed as close to being in chronological order as possible, with a few exceptions. Have a great time, be safe, and celebrate beer!
Friday, October 18th:
- Chilibrew VII — Sure the opening tap isn't until tomorrow, but this is the HOMEBREW OPENING TAP! Baltibrew presents our seventh celebration of the DIY spirit with a homebrew contest and chili cook off. Advance tickets are sold out, and competitor slots are full, BUT a limited number of tickets are still available at the door. Get there early to get your spot in what City Paper, and the Baltimore Sun are calling an event not to be missed this week.
Saturday, October 19th:
- 2013 BBW Opening Tap Celebration/Das Best Oktoberfest — Even though it happens after the premier event (see above), the official kickoff to BBW13 takes place at M&T Bank Stadium, and is followed immediately by Das Best Oktoberfest.
- Autumn Blaze Firefest — Support Baltimore Clayworks — an organization near and dear to our hearts as Chilibrew Sponsors, and one that builds community through art, by drinking beer, eating food, and BURNING STUFF! Who can say no to that?
- Baltimore Abides — "Two Oat Sodas, Gary." Get your roll on at Stoneleigh lanes in the dudeliest fashion possible with our friends from Flying Dog. "This isn't 'Nam, Smokey. There are rules."
Sunday, October 20th:
- Mark Supik, Baltimore's own taphandle maker — visit Mark's shop and learn how taphandles are made.
- Full Tilt Pint Night — Come get a taste of one of Balimore's newest brewery's efforts.
- Brews by the Bay — Support oyster recovery by drinking beer!
Monday, October 21st:
- Day of Saisons — Get your farmhouse on at Max's.
- Going Pro — Q&A with Union Brewing — Think you've got what it takes to go pro?
- Beer Hunter: The Movie — Check out this flick about the only Michael Jackson that matters at MDHB.
Tuesday, October 22nd:
- Homebrew tasting at the Wine Source — Come taste some of the awesome brews you can learn to make on your own with Nepenthe Homebrew at the Wine Source.
- Designing Beer — A discussion with Dr. Brad Smith at MDHB
- Devil's Backbone Pint Night @ Ale Wife
Wednesday, October 23rd:
- Homebrew Extravaganza — Taste some homebrew and support BARCS at Little Havana
- How to Brew: Extract Brewing Demo @ Nepenthe
- MD Breweries Big Wheel Races
Thursday, October 24th:
- Baltibrew Monthly Meeting — Come see what we're all about
- How to Brew: Kegging Demo @ Nepenthe — Our own Jonathan Gibbs will teach you how to brew
- Baltimore Beer Babs ladies only night at Max's — Not a dude? You should go to this.
Friday, October 25th:
- How to Brew: All-Grain Demo — Learn how to brew from scratch with Baltibrew's own John Jester @ Nepenthe Homebrew
- Think You Know Beer: Blind Tasting @ Max's
Saturday, October 26th:
- Liam's No Hop Ale Contest — No hops!?!?! Yep, no hops. Come taste some ancient and experimental ales.
- Tour the American Brewery Building
- Steins & Shots: Vessel Making at Clayworks
Sunday, October 27th:
- Rails to Ales — Take the Light Rail to your beer!
- Get some rest, you alcoholic!