January Meeting Agenda
Happy New Year!
Good morning folks,
Here's the agenda items for this Thursday's (January 15th) meeting. We will be meeting at 8PM at Nepenthe Homebrew. As always, bring a chair and some brew to share.
1. Group Brew Details (Jan 18th)
2. New Club Positions/Questions
3. Dues reminder
4. Iron Brewer Challenge
5. Libation
Note that if you're competing in the iron brewer challenge, you should arrive a little earlier to try and ply as many people with your smokey wares as possible. Sampling for Iron Brewer is completely unstructured so bring a glass and be ready to try as many peated brews as you can before Brady gives us a run-down of what peated malt is and we vote on whose beer is yummiest (or least gross)!
Thanks Everyone,
Amy Huntington
Baltibrewer, Rapscallion, Hero