June Meeting THIS Thursday (tomorrow) at 8pm at Nepenthe
Hey everyone -
It's that time of the month again where we get together, talk shop, make fun of Brady, and sample our glorious homebrews.
As always, bring beer to sample, a chair of some sort, and a good attitude. we will be starting at 8pm with the meeting portion, but if you come at 7:30pm you'll have the added bonus of taking part in Kristofer's Educational Experimental Triangle Test where you'll get to sample beers and fill out a questionnaire (way better then the forms you have to fill out at the Dr's office). so stop by early if you can swing it.
- 7:30pm - Kristofer "you crazy guy" Triangle experiment Test
- Quick by-laws status update
- June Brew Update
- Upcoming Events (including a special reveal)
- Educational topic