July Meeting Details
Happy Wednesday Brewers/Beer LOVAHS,
Hope your summer is going good and you're enjoying some good summer suds. I know I've enjoyed the influx of session beers and grapefruit IPA's that have been popping up in the commercial side, as well as my "session" (aka 7.6%) saison homebrew. Tomorrow we will once again meet up to talk some business, talk some shop, and, most importantly, drink and give feedback on our latest brews.
Tomorrow, Thursday 7/16, as usual we will be meeting at Nepenthe at 8PM. Bring a chair, homebrew to share, and a good spirit as we discuss the following:
- Quick update on our new bylaw fomulation
- August group brew discussion
- Upcoming event updates (Hopped, Mashout)
- Iron Brewer Challenge Discussion/Tasting, Wood Edition
- Homebrew Sampling
See you then!