April Minutes

Meeting held at Waverly Brewing.

  • Officer Update - Kris
    • As a reminder, these are the elected officers for this calendar year.
    • Brewmaster: Jacob Wolf
    • Treasurer: Greg Schwender
    • Meeting Czar: Kristofer Quinn
    • Chilibrew Czar: Mike Andrews
    • Education Czar: Jon Blair
    • Quartermaster: Ciaran Ussher
    • Social Secretary: Ryan Detter
    • Website Coordinator: Brent Hoffmann
    • We still have 2 vacant positions, although it sounds like Nick Lindow may step up for Secretary.  If you have any interest in becoming the Guild Rep, please step forward.

      • Secretary
        The secretary is responsible for taking meeting minutes and memorializing them in an email or word document.  Is also responsible for voting.

      • Guild Rep
        The Guild Rep is our club’s representative to the Freestate Homebrew Guild.  There are bimonthly meetings at Maryland Homebrew in Columbia, MD.
  • Big Brew - Jacob
    • Big Brew is coming up on May 6th!  Watch for updates from Jacob to coordinate brews and supplies.  Please swing by for part of the day.  The event starts at 9:30 AM in the parking lot of Nepethene.
  • Social - Detter
    • Lots of social events are going down this weekend.  Here's a list!
    • Ben's Party in Severna Park on Saturday the 29th
    • Monument City's Grand Opening in Highlandtown on Saturday
    • Key Brewing Cookout in Dundalk on Saturday(maybe?)
    • WTMD Brews and Band in Towson on Saturday
    • DC Beer Festival in DC on Saturday
    • Apples to Apples at Blue Pit on Sunday
    • There was interest in organizing a social event at the Brass Tap, owned and operated by Baltibrewer Barry Lowenthal.
  • Chilibrew - Mike
    • Mike is looking for a coordinator to help with Chili Brew.  Please reach out to him if you're interested in helping.
  • 501c3/501c7 Update - Greg

    • The paperwork to incorporate Baltibrew was filed.  We can now move forward with applying for either 501c3 or 507c7 status.  This item was debated at length a year and half ago.  There has been some significant turnover in the club since then.  More information will be provided on this before the next meeting.
  • Ed Topic - Saccharomyces Eubayanus

    • Saccharomyces Eubayanus and it's role as a parent of Lager Yeast was discussed.
  • Homebrew Swap!

    • Many tasty brews were exchanged include a Grodziskie (polish smoked wheat beer), NEIPA, Kettle Sour Pale Ale, and more!