August Minutes
- ChiliBrew - Friday, October 13th @ Zion's Lutheran http://www.chilibrew.
org/ - Interested in competing? The cost is $10. https://www.eventbrite.
com/e/chilibrew-11-tickets-357 56439473 - Graham is going to coordinate with brewers on the Baltibrew table, looking for 4 to 6 folks to brew and staff it.
- Going to need lots of help with volunteers. We will reach out to Mike Andrews to get an update next month.
- Interested in competing? The cost is $10. https://www.eventbrite.
- September Group Brew - Graham's house in Pigtown on Sunday, September 10th @ Noon. He will likely be brewing for Chilibrew.
- August/September Social - Targeting Manor Hill on Saturday, September 30th. More information to come.
- Local Brew Related Happenings
- 2017 MD Microbrewery Fest Homebrew Competition First Call for Judges - Saturday, September 30, 2017 @ Union Mills Homestead, just north of Westminster, Maryland. Stewards also needed. Free admission to the Maryland Microbrewery Festival; Complimentary breakfast prepared by the excellent cooks of the host club, the Midnight Homebrewers' League; Complementary lunch provided by our sponsor and partner, Buffalo Wild Wings. Jon Blair has already responded.
- NASAcrabs2017 - Zymurnauts and SPBW Annual Crab Feast @ Goddard - Saturday, September 23rd. 50 bucks if you register before Sept 1. https://maryland-homebrewers s2017/ - Brass Tap Homebrew Event. From Barry - We're thinking about hosting an event at The Brass Tap during Baltimore Beer Week for people to learn about home brewing. Not sure exactly how we'd structure it, but something like having some of brewing components to show the steps of the brewing process, and walking through those steps. Jon Blair has responded to Barry since he interested in playing host for a few hours to talk about homebrewing. Possibly Saturday, October 14th or Sunday the 15th.
RAR Summer Block Party at World of Beer - August 17th @ McHenry Row from 5 to 9PM -
nts/1557046504368841/ -
Sunday, August 19th - Fiesta del Sol @ Union. This is fundraiser with Clavel and Charmery where they will be release special barrel aged fruited goses. http://www. fiesta-del-sol/ -
Nepethene & Birrotecca's HOPPED -is Saturday, August 26th @ Birrotecca from 12 to 4 pm. Get tickets early if you can as they cost more at the door. You can get your tickets at https://www. hopped-ticket-general- admission-will-call.
- Iron Brewer - Ingredient for November is apples!
- Ed Topic - Brett!
- Announcements from Nepethene/Bryan/Jill
- WTMD's 3rd Annual The Mighty Pint Homebrew Competition is November 3rd in Towson, winner gets to brew at The Brewer's Art. -
event/wtmds_3rd_annual_the_ mighty_pint_homebrew_ competition - Baltimore Craft Beer Festisival is October 7th @ Waterfront Park in Canton - http://www.
baltimorecraftbeerfestival. com/
- WTMD's 3rd Annual The Mighty Pint Homebrew Competition is November 3rd in Towson, winner gets to brew at The Brewer's Art. -
- Homebrew Swap