October Minutes

  • Introductions
  • ChiliBrew Recap - Mike
    • The event raised over $7k!!
    • We discussed doing another event in the spring, there are several possible groups we can work with on this.
    • Great job to all those involved in planning and running the event as well as to the winners, it was a big success!
  • Group Cider Buy - Jacob
    • This will be Sunday Nov 5th @ 11 AM.
    • Family friendly event at Weber's Cider Farm in Parkville, MD.
    • The club will offset some of the cost of the cider.
    • Jacob has provided more information in a separate email.
  • Iron Brewer Apples
    • Since the cider buy is now in November, this has been moved to January.
  • Social Updates - Ryan
  • Announcements
    • The Guild Holiday Day Party is coming up, look for information in a separate email.
    • The Baltibrew Holiday Day Party is coming up, we will discuss planning at the November meeting.
  • Bottle Share!