June Minutes
Baltibrew General Meeting
June 21, 2018 @ Nepenthe
501c7 Application/Bylaw Revisions Update
Our application for 501c7 status was denied by the IRS due to the gross receipts from our charity fundraiser. Greg has reached out to Maryland Nonprofits for guidance and we are waiting to hear back.
Discussion of Baltibrew Events
July 14th/15th - Sensory Classes @ Jon's
Seats are still available. Day 1 will focus on barrel aging flavors. Day 2 will focus on common flavors and faults. 20$ for one session, $35 for two. Talk to Jon to sign up. -
July 28th - Union Collective Opening
August 4th - August Brewery Trip
The current plan is to do a local trip, starting at Key around noon the relocating to the Mount Vernon area in the early afternoon to the area of Brew House 16, Charm City Meadworks, The Brewer’s Art, The Brass Tap, & Wet City. We’re exploring options to encourage ridesharing, possibly making a Lyft or Uber credit available to folks who share cars. More to come. -
September 1st - Fall BBQ & Brew @ Jacobs
Social/Event Updates
Annapolis Homebrew Club’s Pints for Paws Homebrew and Craft Beer festival, June 22nd (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/
4th-annual-pints-for-paws- homebrewing-and-craft-beer- festival-tickets-44105596025) -
MDHB Beer Education Classes
Recipe Formulation ($10), July 22nd
Mike Tonsmeire will also be hosting a session at MDHB in July.
Other New Business/Member Announcements
We will have alternate meeting locations later this summer as Nepenthe is moving to their new space. We will meet at the shop one last time in July. The August meeting is TBD and the September meeting is confirmed for De Kleine Duivel.
Iron Brewer Call for Challengers - Current Iron Brewer - Will
Ed Updates
Water Wrap Up!
A couple of us visited the Ashburton water treatment plant for a tour. It’s an amazing operation and the staff was very friendly and informative. One items to pass on is that as far as the laboratory chemist was aware there are no changes the chemical protocols when the city pulls from the Susquehanna and the city does not use chloramines to treat the water at this time. We may drop in on the older Montebello plants. -
Baltibrew Yeast Capture
Becky has a few captures plated out in the labs and has detected at least one strain of budding yeast that is likely Saccharomyces. We’re not sure about the attenuation properties of any of the organisms. A back up plan to do a local fruit wine is in the works should we strike out on organisms that can ferment malt.
Ed Topic - Sour Hour feat/ Michael Tonsmeire (Sapwood Cellars, The Mad Fermentationist, American Sour Beer)!
Homebrew Swap!