September Minutes
Baltibrew General Meeting
September 20, 2018 @ De Kleine Duivel
Guild Update - Nate
- Christmas Party Charity Vote
The Guild is holding a vote for the beneficiary of their Christmas Party. Our vote is due by Sunday. We will post a poll on the website.
The Christmas party venue is still in flux. More information to come. Raj is interested in coordinating a Baltibrew theme/table. If anyone knows businesses that would be interested in donating items for the silent auction, let Nate know.
- Christmas Party Charity Vote
Bylaw Revisions Update
- Officer Reductions
The e-board is recommending eliminating the Secretary and Brewmaster positions and merging their duties into the other officer positions. The specific verbiage will be circulated for discussion. This change is mostly due to the reduction in interest in formal group brews and the recent active member count. - Election Timeline Changes
The e-board is recommending changing the officer term to coincide with the calendar year and streamlining the election process. This would move nominations to October, Stump Speeches to November, and elections/acceptance in December.
- Officer Reductions
Discussion of Baltibrew Events
- September 29th/30th - Sensory Panel Reschedule
Jon still has spots open for his tasting panels. This will be the last year he will coordinate them. Barrel flavors will be on the 29th, flaws & flavors on the 30th. The cost is $20 for 1 session, $35 for the pair. Greg recommended that Baltibrew reimburse any non-covered cost that Blair might incur as a result of the lack of interest. Jon will provide cost information for later action. - October 12th - Chilibrew XII!!!!
- This years beneficiary is the Teachers' Democracy Project (
- Competitor signup is closed.
- General Ticketing (
- Volunteering - A volunteer ticker is available on the yapsody page. It’s a great way to attend for free and help out with this awesome event.
- Baltibrew Table - Kris will spin up an email thread to coordinate. We will try to run a new set of business cards to hand out.
- Anyone who knows a business that may be interested in donating items for the silent auction, get in touch with Jacob. The idea of donating some "learn to brew events" was suggested as a way for the club to encourage attendees to pick up the hobby.
- October General Meeting
As many people are wrapped up in beer week events and attendance in October is normally light, the meeting will be held at Jon’s house and be informal.
- September 29th/30th - Sensory Panel Reschedule
Social/Event Updates
- German Fest @ Max’s - September 22nd (¬if_id=1537553291207552)
- Zymernauts Crab Feast @ Goddard Space Flight Center - September 22 (
- Midnight Homebrewers League present Carroll County Beer Week from September 24-29 (
- FOAM Presents Oktoberfest @ Frederick Fairgrounds on September 28 & 29th (
- Maryland Microbrewery Festival @ Union Mills - September 29th (
- Sapwood Cellars Grand-ish Opening - September 29th (
- Sour Class @ MDHB on Monday, October 15th 7-9 (
- Das Best Oktoberfest w/ Homebrew Competition - Saturday, October, 13th
- Homebrew drop off - September 21st (
- Beer Historian Rob Pattinson @ MDHB on Thursday, October 18th (
- MALTs Turkeyshoot Competition, November 3rd @ Hysteria Brewing ( - Entries due October 27th
- Mead Day on November 3rd @ Snyder’s Apiary
- Guild Holiday Party on Saturday, December 1st @ TBD
Other New Business/Member Announcements
- Nepenthe Brewery Update
Construction is continuing. The homebrew shop will be accepting online orders soon. The roof doesn’t leak and electricity has been run. They are shooting for a November opening!
- Nepenthe Brewery Update
Iron Brewer Call for Challengers - Current Iron Brewer - The Reeds
Jon challenged the Reeds to an IPA battle in December. Bring your entry!
Ed Topics
- Yeast Capture Update - Tasting!
5 different samples of Baltimore yeasts were distributed for tasting! Becky and Max’s capture from Riverside Park produced an extremely fruity aroma with a very clean taste. The Locust Point Flower capture yielded a mild-spicy phenolic profile. Anyone with tasting notes is encourage to email Kris! - Brut IPA Tasting!
- Baltimore Brewing History
Christophe is helping with a project to extract information from a book on the history of brewing in Baltimore. Watch out for more information.
- Yeast Capture Update - Tasting!
Homebrew Swap!