Club Posts

January Minutes

Baltibrew Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 17 @ De Kleine Duivel

New Officers

  • Meeting Czar – Jon
  • Social Secretary – Jude
  • Treasurer – Greg
  • Ed Czar – Becky
  • Guild Rep – Max
  • Chilibrew Czar – Caiti (et al)
  • Webmaster – Kris

Overview of 2019 Events

  • Friday, February 15th - Baltibrew Invades Nepenthe
  • Saturday, March 2nd - Spring Group Brew @ Caiti’s
  • Saturday, March 23rd - MALT Bus Trip to Virginia Breweries
  • Sunday, April 14th - Brubakes!
  • Saturday, May 4th - AHA Big Brew
  • Saturday, June 1st - MD Homebrew Guild’s Picnic & Wheat Beer Competition 2 Patapsco St Partk
  • Saturday, July 13th - Lyft Trip to HoCo Breweries - Sapwood Cellars, Black Flag
  • August TBD - MashOut
  • September TBD - Zymurnaut’s Crab Feast @ Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Saturday, September 21st - Fall Group Brew @ Jon’s
  • Friday, October 11th - Chilibrew XIII
  • November TBD - Cider Buy and Wootown’s Mead Day
  • Saturday, December 7th - MD Guild’s Holiday Party
  • Thursday, December 12th - Baltibrew Holiday Potluck (No Regular Meeting)

Old Business - Bylaws Amendments passed!

  • Fewer officers
  • No more club gear…Auction?
    We’d like to get a list together of what’s in Balitbrew’s inventory and then see what format makes the most sense to divest it.
  • New quorum: this month it’s 7 for simple majority, 9 for 2/3 majority

Meet the New Ed Czar

  • Becky has many things planned for this year. Caiti will be talking about wild fermentation at the next meeting and Judy from Checkspot will be coordinating a visit later in the year.
  • The sensory seibel kit will be done at the general meeting, probably split out between 3 or 4 dates so all club members have the chance to participate.

Next Iron Brewer?

  • Kris’ challenged Jon to battle Hefeweizen. Judging will be at the March meeting!

New Business/Member Announcements

  • Max’s Sour Wild Ale Day – Feb 18
  • Online engagement - Kris looked at some statistics and facebook does get us much engagement. Far more eye’s came to the site from posting on reddit. Greg advocated for trying a meetup group. It’s 10/15 dollars a month depending on the subscription level. We trimmed the IT costs down about that much last year by moving to new hosts and consolidating things so we’ll apply the savings to that for a while. Greg will follow up.

*Homebrew Swap!*

A Window into the Past: Where Were Our First Brewers?

One of the tasks in our Baltibrew Yeast Capture project was to search through historical texts about Baltimore's brewing history to try and locate a Baltimore specific beer recipe. Unfortunately we struck out on the recipe but our investigation led to this happy little byproduct.

Presenting a map overlay of pre-prohibition Baltimore Breweries! If you've ever wondered who was making beer in your neck of the woods before the 18th amendment this overlay will give you a little window into the brewing history in your neighborhood!


Notes: Data taken from William Kelley's 1965 book, Brewing in Maryland. Overlay focuses on breweries founded before 1900. Most of these breweries changed owners and name several times before closing. Brewer listed corresponds to the original proprietor. Addresses are approximate and list is certainly incomplete. The page of first mention is included in the overlay card for each point. Source text is available in the Maryland Room of the main branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library.

November Meeting Items

The November meeting was canceled due to weather.  Watch the listserve for information on the following items.

  • Guild Holiday Party is on December 1st.
  • Baltibrew's December meeting, which is a Holiday Potluck, will probably be move to the second Thursday in December, the 13th.
  • Changes to Bylaws were approved unanimously.
  • Officer Nominations are still open.
  • Iron Brewer IPA is on for the December meeting!

October Minutes

Baltibrew General Meeting

October 18, 2018 @ Jon’s House

  • Bylaw Revisions Update

    • Jon presented a list of several bylaw changes addressing the following areas:
      • Officer Reductions
      • Election Procedural Changes and Timeframes
      • Quorum Requirements
    • Greg requested that the language surrounding the club’s guild dues payment be modified so that the money comes directly from the club account.
    • Jon presented a proposal to liquidate the club inventory due to lack of use and interest in maintaining it. The jockey boxes would default to Nepenthe as they put in the vast majority of time, labor, and maintenance costs for the upkeep of the boxes. Other items would be offered to club members.
    • The specific language for the amendments presented at the meeting will be circulated to the membership and 2 votes will be held on the website for the charter changes and liquidation.
  • Tasting Panels

    • This will be the last year Jon will coordinate the tasting panels.
    • The club may seek to continue doing pallet training as part of club events or education topics in the future.
    • Following up on the previous motion/vote, the club reimbursed Jon $240 for the cost incurred in coordinating the event.
  • Club Calendar

    • We expect planning to take place in November to map out club activities for 2019.
  • Officer Nominations

    • Chilibrew Czar - Caiti was nominated and accepted on the condition that everyone is aware she and Jake may be relocation in the late spring. She will work to record all the information she can regarding Chilibrew logistics.
    • Education Czar - Becky was nominated and accepted.
    • Free State Homebrew Club Guild (FSHCG) Representative - Max was nominated and accepted.
    • Meeting Czar - Jon was nominated and accepted.
    • Social Secretary - Jude was nominated in absentia.
    • Treasurer - Greg was nominated and accepted.
    • Webmaster - Kris nominated himself.
  • Upcoming Events

    • Mead Day on November 3rd @ Snyder’s Apiary
    • Guild Holiday Party on Saturday, December 1st @ HS Brewery
      Baltibrew secured a spot.  Our theme will be farm oriented and will focus on the use of local/regional ingredients. Raj is coordinating and we need to know who will be volunteering to brew/cook for the table! Tickets are $25 dollars a head.
  • Iron Brewer IPA is on for December - Current Iron Brewer - The Reeds

  • November Meeting 

    • Jon will inquire about De Kliene
  • Homebrew Swap!

September Minutes

Baltibrew General Meeting

September 20, 2018 @ De Kleine Duivel

  • Introductions

  • Guild Update - Nate

    • Christmas Party Charity Vote
      The Guild is holding a vote for the beneficiary of their Christmas Party. Our vote is due by Sunday. We will post a poll on the website.
      The Christmas party venue is still in flux. More information to come. Raj is interested in coordinating a Baltibrew theme/table. If anyone knows businesses that would be interested in donating items for the silent auction, let Nate know.
  • Bylaw Revisions Update

    • Officer Reductions
      The e-board is recommending eliminating the Secretary and Brewmaster positions and merging their duties into the other officer positions. The specific verbiage will be circulated for discussion. This change is mostly due to the reduction in interest in formal group brews and the recent active member count.
    • Election Timeline Changes
      The e-board is recommending changing the officer term to coincide with the calendar year and streamlining the election process. This would move nominations to October, Stump Speeches to November, and elections/acceptance in December.
  • Discussion of Baltibrew Events

    • September 29th/30th - Sensory Panel Reschedule
      Jon still has spots open for his tasting panels. This will be the last year he will coordinate them. Barrel flavors will be on the 29th, flaws & flavors on the 30th. The cost is $20 for 1 session, $35 for the pair. Greg recommended that Baltibrew reimburse any non-covered cost that Blair might incur as a result of the lack of interest. Jon will provide cost information for later action.
    • October 12th - Chilibrew XII!!!!
      • This years beneficiary is the Teachers' Democracy Project (
      • Competitor signup is closed.
      • General Ticketing (
      • Volunteering - A volunteer ticker is available on the yapsody page. It’s a great way to attend for free and help out with this awesome event.
      • Baltibrew Table - Kris will spin up an email thread to coordinate. We will try to run a new set of business cards to hand out.
      • Anyone who knows a business that may be interested in donating items for the silent auction, get in touch with Jacob. The idea of donating some "learn to brew events" was suggested as a way for the club to encourage attendees to pick up the hobby.
    • October General Meeting
      As many people are wrapped up in beer week events and attendance in October is normally light, the meeting will be held at Jon’s house and be informal.
  • Social/Event Updates

  • Other New Business/Member Announcements

    • Nepenthe Brewery Update
      Construction is continuing. The homebrew shop will be accepting online orders soon. The roof doesn’t leak and electricity has been run. They are shooting for a November opening!
  • Iron Brewer Call for Challengers - Current Iron Brewer - The Reeds

    Jon challenged the Reeds to an IPA battle in December. Bring your entry!

  • Ed Topics

    • Yeast Capture Update - Tasting!
      5 different samples of Baltimore yeasts were distributed for tasting! Becky and Max’s capture from Riverside Park produced an extremely fruity aroma with a very clean taste. The Locust Point Flower capture yielded a mild-spicy phenolic profile. Anyone with tasting notes is encourage to email Kris!
    • Brut IPA Tasting!
    • Baltimore Brewing History
      Christophe is helping with a project to extract information from a book on the history of brewing in Baltimore. Watch out for more information.
  • Homebrew Swap!