Club Posts

December Minutes

There was plenty of tasty food at the December potluck.  The following business was discussed.

  • Ciaran and Jacob proposed jointly sharing responsibility for ChiliBrew and Quartermaster.  The idea was received well.
  • We are still looking for nominations for Meeting Czar and Secretary.
  • January will be Iron Brewer Cider!
  • Nick is going to coordinate the winter group brew at his place.
  • We will reach out to Brandon to figure out if we will do a social/brew at Duclaw again this year.
  • Normal business meetings will resume in January.

November Minutes

  • Introductions - Everyone
  • Guild Notes - Jude
    • Christine Anderson is the new owner of Maryland Homebrew.
    • The Guild is registering as a 501(c)(7).  Their members will be the members of all the clubs that pay their annual guild dues.  Historically, Baltibrew has paid their guild dues in cash.
    • The Guild Holiday Party is Saturday, December 2nd at Heavy Seas.
    • Saturday, December 9th at 9AM, DuClaw is hosting a collaboration brew with the guild on their production system.  All guild members are welcome to attend.
    • Portions of that beer will be put into 4 firkins and flavored.  They will be served at the Guild's 20th Anniversary Party at DuClaw on Saturday, January 20th.  Ticket logistics are yet to be finalized.
  • Financial/Membership Update - Greg
    • Paperwork for 501(c)(7) is submitted.
    • Pay your dues.
  • Group Brew/Cider Recap - Jacob
    • The cider pickup was well attended and Jacob has a telephone number to call to organize additional buys.
    • There is interest in getting a pressing of Gold Rush apple cider from several members.  Jacob will reach out to Weber's.  Watch the listserve for additional information.
    • Jacob will ping Nick to see if he is interested in hosting the January Group Brew, as that has become somewhat of a tradition.
    • In a previous meeting, Brandon indicated DuClaw may be interested in hosting another group brew on their pilot system.  We will follow up.
  • Social Happenings - per Detter
  • Christmas Party - Kris
    • The December meeting is traditionally a pot-luck dinner.  This year the third Thursday of Decmber falls on the 21st, which is a busy time of the month for many members.  The club discussed options for changing the date/venue/format.
    • A motion was made(Kris) to move the date of the December meeting forward one week to Thursday, December the 14th.  The vote carried.  The club indicated their preference for it to remain a pot luck.
    • Ciaran will follow up to confirm if the store is available.  If a venue change is needed that information will be announced via the listserve.
    • We will coordinate items using a Google spreadsheet on the listserve.  Reminder, we will need volunteers to ensure we leave the shop clean.
  • Announcements
    • The 2018 term for officers begins in February.  Please consider if you are interested in running for any of the club positions.  More information about positions, nominations, and voting processes are available on the club website.  The list of positions is:
      • Brewmaster
      • Chilibrew Task Czar
      • Education Czar
      • Free State Homebrew Guild Representative
      • Monthly Meeting Czar
      • Quartermaster
      • Secretary
      • Social Secretary
      • Treasurer
      • Website Coordinator
    • Barry is interested in making the Brew at the Brass Tap a series, possibly coordinating specials based on the style of the brew.  Scott will provide more information as the idea matures.
  • Ed Topic - Blair
    • Jon covered ideas and methods for testing variables while maintaining consistency across those tests, stressing the importance of sanitation.  A round table discussion followed.
  • Bottle Share!

October Minutes

  • Introductions
  • ChiliBrew Recap - Mike
    • The event raised over $7k!!
    • We discussed doing another event in the spring, there are several possible groups we can work with on this.
    • Great job to all those involved in planning and running the event as well as to the winners, it was a big success!
  • Group Cider Buy - Jacob
    • This will be Sunday Nov 5th @ 11 AM.
    • Family friendly event at Weber's Cider Farm in Parkville, MD.
    • The club will offset some of the cost of the cider.
    • Jacob has provided more information in a separate email.
  • Iron Brewer Apples
    • Since the cider buy is now in November, this has been moved to January.
  • Social Updates - Ryan
  • Announcements
    • The Guild Holiday Day Party is coming up, look for information in a separate email.
    • The Baltibrew Holiday Day Party is coming up, we will discuss planning at the November meeting.
  • Bottle Share!

September Minutes

  • Chilibrew Update!
    • Chilibrew is a go on Friday, October 13th!  Competitor spots are closed.  Anyone interested in purchasing a ticket should visit the Eventbrite page (  Volunteer signups are also happening through the Eventbrite page.  There's a Free Volunteer Ticket option.  Ciaran will contact anyone who grabs one of those tickets with information on the volunteer schedule.
  • Chilibrew Baltibrew Table/Where's Our Jockey Boxes?!
    • The jockey boxes are at Nepethene.  Nepethene has been servicing the boxes and plans to use them for an event the day after Chilibrew.  There was some discussion about moving off of dual-ownership of the jockey boxes.  That was tabled in favor of finding a near term solution for Beer Week that would work for both events. Christoph secured Justin's 4 way jockey box for the BaltiBrew table.  Ciaran is going to check for the box of fittings to see what options we have for hookups.  Blair stopped by Jacob's and brought the banners to the meeting, which Kris completely forgot to take home.
  • Baltimore Beer Week Happenings!
    • Scott and Blair are coordinating with Barry for the Learn to Brew event at The Brass Tap.  They are starting at noon on Sunday, October 15th.  Plan is to brew a small batch outside the bar.  Anyone with a mobile setup feel free to brew along with them.  If you're free, please stop by to have a pint and talk shop.Nepenthe is hosting their yeast tasting classes during Beer Week.  Tickets are available for purchase at
    • Little Havana is having their homebrew competition on October 18th.  Information at
  • October Brew Event!

    • Jacob is working with Baugher's farm in Westminster to get an event going in late October.  More details to follow as information on their apple crop comes forward.  Bring a carboy and fill with pasteurized or unpasteurized cider.
  • Social Event Updates!

  • Guild Notes
    • The Guild is finalizing nominations for charities that will receive proceeds from the Christmas party. Jude feels strongly that AmeriCares, a non-profit providing front line support to the devastated areas including those areas impacted by the recent hurricanes, is worthy of support.  The guild generally prefers local charities.  There will be a vote of some kind in the near future and they are soliciting nominations.  Jude would like the clubs support in recommending AmeriCares.  More information will follow, per Jude.  Full guild minutes are attached.
  • Announcements!
    • Per Nate, Dan is interested in doing a homebrew competition with the South Baltimore VFW through Wiley Gunters.  Perhaps something in late November/Early December when there is a lull in competitions.The Iron Brewer ingredient for next month is apples.   No one is sure of participation.
  • Ed Topic - Kettle Sours feat/ Blair's Boysenberry Berliner-Weisse!
    • Blair talked about his experience building a lacto starter from uncrushed grain using the method Stephen Hulbert showed him.  He compared it to his experience using other sources of a lacto.  He brought a finished example for tasting.  Spoiler, it was delicious.
  • Homebrew Swap!

August Minutes


  • ChiliBrew - Friday, October 13th @ Zion's Lutheran
    • Interested in competing?  The cost is $10.
    • Graham is going to coordinate with brewers on the Baltibrew table, looking for 4 to 6 folks to brew and staff it.
    • Going to need lots of help with volunteers.  We will reach out to Mike Andrews to get an update next month.
  • September Group Brew - Graham's house in Pigtown on Sunday, September 10th @ Noon.  He will likely be brewing for Chilibrew.
  • August/September Social - Targeting Manor Hill on Saturday, September 30th.  More information to come.
  • Local Brew Related Happenings
    • 2017 MD Microbrewery Fest Homebrew Competition First Call for Judges -  Saturday, September 30, 2017 @ Union Mills Homestead, just north of Westminster, Maryland.   Stewards also needed.   Free admission to the Maryland Microbrewery Festival; Complimentary breakfast prepared by the excellent cooks of the host club, the Midnight Homebrewers' League; Complementary lunch provided by our sponsor and partner, Buffalo Wild Wings.  Jon Blair has already responded.
    • NASAcrabs2017 - Zymurnauts and SPBW Annual Crab Feast @ Goddard - Saturday, September 23rd.  50 bucks if you register before Sept 1.
    • Brass Tap Homebrew Event.  From Barry - We're thinking about hosting an event at The Brass Tap during Baltimore Beer Week for people to learn about home brewing. Not sure exactly how we'd structure it, but something like having some of brewing components to show the steps of the brewing process, and walking through those steps.  Jon Blair has responded to Barry since he interested in playing host for a few hours to talk about homebrewing.  Possibly Saturday, October 14th or Sunday the 15th.
    • RAR Summer Block Party at World of Beer - August 17th @ McHenry Row from 5 to 9PM -
    • Sunday, August 19th - Fiesta del Sol @ Union.  This is fundraiser with Clavel and Charmery where they will be release special barrel aged fruited goses.
    • Nepethene & Birrotecca's HOPPED -is Saturday, August 26th @ Birrotecca from 12 to 4 pm.  Get tickets early if you can as they cost more at the door.  You can get your tickets at
  • Iron Brewer - Ingredient for November is apples!
  • Ed Topic - Brett!
  • Announcements from Nepethene/Bryan/Jill
  • Homebrew Swap