Club Posts

May Regular Meeting

lang_detail-maibock2_01Our May regular meeting is Thursday (the 19th), usual time (8 p.m.), usual channel (Nepenthe).

It's an Iron Brewer month, so if you've brewed for it (wildflowers) make sure you bring it! And be ready to taste some interesting…
We'll be (briefly) discussing:
  • Homebrewcon (Second to last meeting you ever have to hear about this year's!)
  • Club Swag (glasses, and tee shirts. You know you want to rep your club)
  • Events surrounding Con (Brewmore showing/Q&A, Disc Golf, etc. Volunteers?)
  • Guild updates (Guild picnic, other junk)
  • Sensory wrapup
  • State Fair
  • June social
  • Ed topic (TBD)
  • Iron Brewer (wildflowers)
As usual, if you have anything to add to the agenda, email me, or add it directly to the agenda.
We finally set up our official page URL for Facebook. So you can more easily find us at
And there's an event set up for the meeting every month. Please use it to invite folks you think might enjoy Baltibrew. You know, cuz we need the DUES! And who doesn't want bigger parties with more beer?
Thanks, and hope to see you there.

April Meeting Minutes

Please see April meeting minutes, which include information about upcoming club activities.

Baltibrew 04.21.2016

April Regular Meeting

Baltibrew's April regular meeting will take place this Thursday (4/21) at Nepenthe Homebrew at 8 p.m.

You can view the agenda items for the meeting on our agenda spreadsheet. The education topic is on hops, presented by Brian Arnold, and we'll work to keep business as short as possible.

Hope to see you there.

March Meeting Minutes

Hey guys! March meeting minutes are attached. Please look them over and chime in for anything you're interested in. Next meeting is back to our usual 3rd Thursday (April 21) at Nepenthe. Baltibrew meeting minutes 03.24.2016

The Everyman's Guide to water pHThe Everyman's Guide to water pH

March Regular Meeting @ Union Craft Brewing

Ounion-glassesur rescheduled March Meeting is at Union Craft Brewing this Thursday, March 24th at 8 p.m. in the brewery.

We've got a nice set of agenda items, and the good luck to have a special guest providing our education topic.

As usual, feel free to bring homebrew to share, but like last month, we'll ask you not to bring homebrew into the taproom area, or outside.

Hope to see you there.

Agenda Highlights:

March Group Brew Wrapup

Various Homebrewcon Activities

Big Brew planning

State Fair Contest (August)

April Social Ideas

Ed Topic: Guest speaker, Tom Barrios from Union, to discuss water chemistry as it relates to quality control.

Iron Brewer!