Hi everyone, sorry for the late notice (although this should already be on your calendar), I thought I sent this out earlier but realize today i didn't.
As always bring beer to share and a chair (and throw away your garbage as you go to keep nepenthe clean).
here's the agenda:
here's what i have so far:
1) Election Results
2) March Brew Plan
3) NHC Discussion
4) Guild Notes
5) Education topic - TBD
6) sampling
See you tonight.
Currently, all nominees are running unopposed. If you would like to run for one of these positions, please email the club at baltibrew@gmail.com prior to Friday, January 8th. If no one else requests to be added to the ballot, the following officers will be installed at the February meeting:
Anyone interested in volunteering as a second for any position should email baltibrew@gmail.com as well, without volunteers, officers will individually appoint seconds.
Nick Lindow is hosting a brew at his house on January 16th. Details on it can be found at its event page on Facebook.
Baltibrew meeting minutes December 2015.
Hi All -
Its time for our monthly meeting, and more importantly time for our first Baltibrew Xmas party. We will try and limit the business portion so we can get down to celebrating. As always, please bring a chair and beer/homebrew to share. AND PLEASE SIGN UP TO BRING FOOD if you haven't already.
IMPORTANT: please try and clean up after yourselves as we go, and if you are able to stay later, sign up with Nepenthe to help clean up afterwards (which shouldn't take long)
- January Brew
- Officer Elections "Speeches"
- NHC Discussion with guild rep
- Ed Topic: Baltimore City Water VS. Distilled Blend Water Beer tasting
Meeting Date: 19 November 2015
Meeting led by: Ryan Detter at Nepenthe
Meeting Topics:
Full minutes here.
Hey Brewers -
Tomorrow is our monthly meeting to be held at Nepenthe Homebrew at 8PM. As usual please bring a chair and some homebrew/pro brew to share. The Agenda is below:
- Bylawz Update
- Nominations for New Officers
- NHC Committee Recruitment
- Guild Holiday Party
- Annual Club Awards
- January Group Brew
- Educational Topic: Base Malts
- Iron Brewer Challenge Tasting
See you there!