Club Posts

Baltibrew October 2015 Meeting Minutes

Baltibrew Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 22 October 2015
Meeting led by: Ryan Detter at Nepenthe

Meeting Topics:

  • Introduction of new attendees
  • Events
  • Chilibrew/Baltimore Beer Week events recap
  • Bylaws
  • Officer nominations next month

Full minutes here.

November Group Brew: Mead Mazing

Bottles of mead, yo!Hey Baltibrewers! Like every year Baltibrew has been in existence, we're doing our November Group Brew with Wootown up at Snyder's Apiaries. This year's event is November 7th at 11 a.m. in White Hall, Maryland — an easy hop up Interstate 83.

This is one of our funnest, easiest brews of the year. Mead making, or mazing as is the proper term, takes comparatively little time to complete than beer. It's in a beautiful location, and it's an opportunity to meet other brewers and learn about mead mazing, and to taste some excellent examples of the craft.

Knowledgable folks will be on hand to walk you through the process. All you need is a clean fermenter, money to pay for honey and/or yeast, and a side dish to share with the group. Bring beer or other libations to show off how awesomely Baltibrew does what it does.

Honey is between $4 and $4.25, and your average batch requires 12–15 lbs. of honey. You do the math on how much cash you need to bring, though Snyder's does take checks.

Hope to see you there!

Bylaws for review

The Baltibrew Bylaws Subcommittee has produced a draft for club review. You can view it on Google Docs. This document has a great effect on the club's ability to achieve a 501(c)7 nonprofit status.

Any comments, questions or concerns should be directed to Ryan Boddy via email at altarego@gmail dotcom. Do not post comments to the entire Google group.

The comment period will last for a week from this posting, and will then open up to a Yes/No vote for dues current members.

We recognize that the content isn't the sexiest in the world, but we'd like you to read through it and we'd also very much like you to vote when the time comes.


October Meeting This Thursday @ 8pm

Hey Baltibrewers -

hope everyone survived beer week and can join us this Thursday for our weekly meeting at Nepenthe at 8pm. Bring a camping chair and homebrew to share, per usual. agenda is below:

- Chilibrew Redux
- By-Laws
- Next group brew (mead brew)
- Election nominations
- Eductional topic (TBD)
- Beer "sampling"

see you there!

Baltibrew Meeting moved to 10/21

Baltibrew will meet next week at Nepenthe at 8 p.m. instead of this week due to some conflicts with beer week events.

We will update soon with an agenda.

Hope to see you out.