Club Posts

Baltibrew September 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 17 September 2015
Meeting led by: Steve Hulbert at Nepenthe

Meeting Topics:

  • Introduction of new attendees
  • Events
  • Chilibrew status (9 October)
  • Education

Baltimore Beer Week is 9-18 October!

Full September meeting minutes here.

Full August meeting minutes here.


September Meeting Tonight!

Tonight is our September meeting at 8pm at Nepenthe. Hope you can make it. The agenda is below and be sure to bring a camping chair and some beer to share!

-Chilibrew Update
-Next Group Brew
-Baltimore Beer Week events (Nepenthe)
-Iron Brewer Challenge Tasting
-General Homebrew tasting/constructive criticism

AUGUST Meeting Tomorrow @ 8PM

Some of us won't be at the meeting because of plans to go to MASHOUT, but for those of you not going (or not going Thursday) we hope you can make it for some short business, an educational topic, and of course beer.

Chilibrew Update (Mike)
September Group Brew Ideas (Ciaran)
Gruit Competition Announcement (Steve/Brent)
Iron Brewer Reminder
Education Topic: Invert Sugars (Bob)
Reminder to bring a camping chair and some beer to share.


Group Brew June 2015

July Meeting Details

Happy Wednesday Brewers/Beer LOVAHS,

Hope your summer is going good and you're enjoying some good summer suds. I know I've enjoyed the influx of session beers and grapefruit IPA's that have been popping up in the commercial side, as well as my "session" (aka 7.6%) saison homebrew. Tomorrow we will once again meet up to talk some business, talk some shop, and, most importantly, drink and give feedback on our latest brews.
Tomorrow, Thursday 7/16, as usual we will be meeting at Nepenthe at 8PM. Bring a chair, homebrew to share, and a good spirit as we discuss the following:
  • Quick update on our new bylaw fomulation
  • August group brew discussion
  • Upcoming event updates (Hopped, Mashout)
  • Iron Brewer Challenge Discussion/Tasting, Wood Edition
  • Homebrew Sampling
See you then!