Club Posts

Baltibrew April 2015 Meeting Minutes (Broken Attachment)

Baltibrew Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 16 April 2015
Meeting led by: Ryan Detter

Meeting Topics:

  • Introduction of new attendees
  • Summary of non-profit status sub-committee findings
  • Events
  • New Website
  • Education

Full minutes attached

Baltibrew Meeting Minutes April2015

Nonprofit Subcommittee Findings

importantAs those members  attending meetings over the past year know, Baltibrew has entertained the notion of attaining a nonprofit status for a number of reasons.

This issue is important for a wide variety of reasons, but primarily because whatever course we choose to undertake, the decision will affect every member of the club. As such, we ask that every member give it the attention it deserves.

The volunteer nonprofit subcommittee presents its findings in this chart.

Please review the findings to help inform how you will vote on the issue in one week's time. Each situation has a "What does this mean?" response.

If you have questions regarding any of the features and issues presented in the chart, please feel free to make comment on this post, or email the subcommittee direction at We will be happy to help clear up anything you don't understand.

Out of deference to the club as a whole making the decision, the subcommittee will not present a formal recommendation, but individual members of the subcommittee are happy to express how they feel about what was found through the above email address, or in person at the April meeting held tonight, 4/16/2015.

April Meeting TONIGHT @ 8PM, Nepenthe

The sun is out, the pollen is rampant, the tulips are saying hi...that can mean only one thing: more daylight and warmer weather to homebrew (you thought i was gonna say Spring? pshhht)

So come on out tonight to find out about some opportunities to brew with your friends and learn about new ways to enhance your homebrewing capabilities/knowledge.  The agenda is below and we hope to see you're smiling faces.
As always bring a chair, some brew to share, and an open mind...
May Agenda:
1) Update on non-profit status
2) May Big Brew Update
3) Apples-to-Apples announcement
4) Website update
5) Education topic: Split Batches, Experiments 101, and blind tasting
See you tonight!

Baltibrew Meeting Minutes March 2015

Meeting Date: 19 March 2015
Meeting led by Steve Hulbert (subbing for Ryan Detter)

Meeting topics:

  • Introduction of new attendees
  • Introduction of newly elected officers
  • Events
    • Toolbrew on Saturday, 21 March
    • Big Brew on Saturday, 2 May
    • Mash Bash in May
  • Guild Update
  • Baltibrew non-profit status discussion
  • Education
    • Charm City Meadworks
  • Ironbrewer Challenge


  • Toolbrew will happen on Saturday, 21 March
    • 8 Baltibrewers are scheduled to attend
  • Big Brew scheduled for Saturday, 2 May
    • Baltibrew will be hosting with Brewtherville Labs and Ladybrew
    • Event to be held at Nepenthe
    • If interested, please reach out to Ciaran
    • Guild will kick in $15 per club for food
  • Mash Bash to occur in May
    • Details TBD

Guild Update:

  • Jon Blair to be the Baltibrew Guild rep for this year
  • Any questions about the guild charter or spirit award, please reach out to Jon

Baltibrew non-profit status discussion:

  • There is general interest in becoming a non-profit, and a number of avenues to explore
  • A working group/sub-committee will be formed to explore these options, and will present back to the group at the April 2015 Baltibrew meeting
    • Ryan Boddy to chair this sub-committee
  • Details have been emailed to the club, please reach out to Ryan


  • Co-czars to focus on different education aspects:
    • Chris (scientist/experimentalist) to focus on experimentation at group brews
      • Any member can propose ideas, Chris will formalize the proposals and pick some to try
      • These proposals may be funded by AHA grants once that system re-opens
    • Bob (lecturer) to focus on discussions of process and ingredients at meetings
    • Brady (Education Czar, connection to the pros) will reach out to professional brewers/vintners
  • James from Charm City Meadworks
    • Began homebrewing in college, is a Master Beekeeper and co-founder of Charm City Meadworks
    • Opened in August 2014, open Friday nights for tastings
    • Focus on drier meads, lots of experimentation
    • Their meads vary in abv, including low abv draft meads
    • Mead tasting!

Ironbrewer Challenge (not barley!)

  • Winner: Jester with his "Deconstructed Cosmopolitan"
  • Next Ironbrewer challenge will be in the May Baltibrew meeting
    • Secret ingredient: Chilis!

Homebrew tasting!

End of meeting

March Monthly Meeting this Thursday @ 8pm

Tomorrow is our monthly meeting at the wonderful Nepenthe Homebrew. Deets below:

When: 8PM (feel free to come a bit earlier, a lot of people do)

Where: Nepenthe Homebrew in Meadow Mill

What to bring: chair, homebrew/brew to share


-March group brew THIS saturday

-Brief Non-Profit Discussion

-Guild Notes (discussion on big brew $$ from guild)

-Iron Brewer challenge tasting and voting