Club Posts

Gruit Comp Results

Baltibrew's 2014 version of the Liam Flynn's Gruit Competition was well attended, went smoothly, and seemed to be enjoyed by all. Here are the results:

Celebrity Competition:

  1. Stephen Hulbert — Traditional Gruit
  2. Jude & Dave Finnell — Grindylow Imperial Gruit
  3. Ian McDonald — Grasshopperbock

People's Choice:

  1. Stephen Hulbert — Traditional Gruit
  2. JD Oltman — Orange & Spruce Gruit
  3. Ian McDonald — Grasshopperbock

A fitting end to Baltimore Beer Week 2014, and we hope to see you again next year.

October Meeting + Surprises!

It's already that third Thursday, Baltibrewers, and that means it's time to invade Nepenthe and discuss all things fermentable. We're hoping to make this meeting a little different in that it's happening during Baltimore Beer Week — as such, less business, more beer!

Prior to the meeting (4–7 p.m.), Nepenthe is hosting Virginia's Devil's Backbone for a tasting. If you can get there before the meeting, there might even be some beer left.


  • VERY brief Chilibrew 8 wrap-up, and thanks.
  • VERY brief promo for Mead Day (Saturday 11/1)
  • Gruit comp preview and request for volunteers
  • any Guild notes
  • Ed Topic — Surprise guest speaker, and tasting.

We hope to see you there.

No Hops Gruit Ale Contest

Baltibrew is sponsoring the No Hop Gruit Competition at Liam Flynn’s Ale House during Baltimore Beer Week on October 19th from 4 pm to 6 pm.  Entries for submission will be accepted any time before the event begins at 4 pm.

This year we're sponsored by Baltibrew Homebrew Club, Maryland HomebrewNepenthe Homebrew, and Free State Homebrew Club Guild.      

Register Your Gruit Here


Print, Complete, and Bring This Form with your Gruit

September Regular Meeting

It's that time again, Baltibrewers. Hard to believe it's already the third week in September, but this means it's time to meet at Nepenthe Homebrew at 8 p.m. tomorrow. 

Of key importance to this meeting is Chilibrew, so that will likely take up most of room on the agenda. In fact, our Ed Czars have given us all a break from class so we can focus on preparing for our Beer Week Final Exams.
So quickly, here's what we'll be talking about:
  • Chilibrew Chilibrew Chilibrew
  • Gruit Comp
  • General Beer Week Preparedness
  • Guild Notes (if any)
  • November Mead Day in White Hall
As usual, bring beer to share, and a chair.
Hope to see many of you there.

August 2014 Minutes

August 2014 Minutes