July 15, 2014 by admin
Howdy Brewing pals This thursday is our July 2014 regular meeting. We hope you can make it. 8PM at Nepenthe, per usual. Please bring a chair and brew to share.
Hope to see you there…
Tags: July 2014
June 19, 2014 by admin
Baltibrew's June meeting takes place tonight (6/19/2014) at Nepenthe Homebrew. We want to extend a giant thank you and welcome back to our gracious hosts. It's been a long month and a half without our clubhouse, much less a place to pick up supplies. So what's everyone's first brew going to be?
If you'd like to see anything added to the agenda, comment on this post or email baltibrew at gmail.com.
This April the club will be meeting at Sapwood Cellars for a social meeting in Howard County. The plan is to head to Black Flag afterward.
Baltibrew is a collective of homebrewers dedicated to the art and science of beer.