March 18, 2024 by lpbrewer
There is no general membership meeting in April since Brübakes returns Sunday, April 21st 2-4 PM at the Checkerspot Brewing Company! Proceeds to benefit the Station North Tool Library. Attendee tickets are available at
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February 22, 2024 by lpbrewer
Brübakes is returning again this spring! Join us on Sunday, April 21st 2-4 PM at the Checkerspot Brewing Company for a competition that pairs homebrewers and bakers to celebrate spring, sustainable brewing practices and the DIY spirit! Proceeds to benefit the Station North Tool Library.
Attendee tickets are available at
Competition Overview
- Brewers must design a Belgian-style Saison ale to be served with a baked good. The catch? Bakers are required to use spent grain from the brewers' mash (at least 10% of the dry ingredients or 5% of the total ingredients, by weight) to create their counterpart.
- Those who are up for the challenge may act as both brewer and baker.
- Competitors need to bring at least 5 gallons of homebrew and about 120 baked good samples (Expecting about 70-90 attendees).
- Recommend freezing your spent grain after brew day.
- Baltibrew will provide ice. Dump buckets and water pitchers will be available.
Attendee Overview
- Must be 21+ years old to attend.
- All you can sample homebrew and baked goods.
- Ticket includes a Baltibrew Brübakes Belgian-style sample glass.
- Ticket proceeds will be donated to the Station North Tool Library.
- Best Brew by Judge vote
- Best Baked Good by Judge vote
- Best Pairing by Judge vote
- Best Overall Favorite by popular Attendee vote
Location & Time
- Checkerspot Brewing Company (1421 Ridgely St.Baltimore, MD 21230)
- Sunday, April 21st, 2024 - Competition runs from 2-4 PM.
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February 12, 2024 by lpbrewer
February 11th @ Union
Great conversations happened at the Sunday meeting and some great homebrew was shared.
Brübakes is returning on April 24th! Judy from Checkerspot has confirmed we can use the space so we will be spinning up a thread to coordinate. We will need competitors and this is a showcase for the club so please consider signing up. More to come!
We are moving to a distributed method of planning monthly activities! Here is the upcoming tentative calendar. If you are interested in assisting with the planning for a month, reach out to the coordinator! We're going to give this a go for the first half of the year and see how it goes. Bold dates mean the activity is NOT on the second sunday of the month.
- Sunday, March 10th - Fermented Food (w/ Greg)
- Sunday, April 21st - Brübakes ! (No formal meeting)
- Saturday, May 4th - Big Brew (w/ Kevin N. looking into doing a group brew on a larger system), Moved due to Mother Days
- Sunday, June 9th - Mead &/ Cyser Activity at Charm City Meadworks w/ Greg
- Sunday, July 14th - Sensory Panel pt 1 (w/ Becky)
- Sunday, August 11th - Sensory Panel pt 2 (w/ Becky)
- Sunday, September 3rd - TBD - Coordinated by Cynthia and Chuck
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February 6, 2024 by lpbrewer
Sunday is the Superbowl so it looks like earlier works a bit better for many folks.
We gave confirmed the Duckpin Room @ Union is available to us at 1PM this Sunday, the 11th.
Homebrew share is back on the table this month!
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November 12, 2023 by lpbrewer
This Sunday's meeting has been moved forward to 1PM.
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