Club Posts

November Collective Brew — Mead Day!

Photograph of bees making honeyGreetings, Baltibrewers! We hope you're all over your BBW'13 hangovers, and cordially invite you to join us in our annual Mead Day with our big sister club, Wootown. This is one of our premier brew days for the year —  and it's made all the better by the gorgeous environment, and the opportunity to meet brewers in another, and quite possibly many other clubs. If you haven't been before, it's an Autumn tradition for us and we hope you'll enjoy it as much as we have.

Basic Mead Details:

  • Saturday November 2nd, 11 a.m. start time  at the home/apiary of Wootowners Lloyd and Ruth-Ann Snyder (4747 Norrisville Road, White Hall, MD 21161)
  • Honey is $4 per pound (you can work out how much you need once you're there), and Snyder's takes cash, check, or credit card.
  • A variety of yeasts, and yeast nutrient are available from Thirsty Brewer's Tom Davidson for $5 (or you can bring your own).
  • You will need a clean fermenter, lid or cap, and airlock.
  • Wootown is bringing its ultra-cool, inline water heater, so there's no waiting for large volumes of water to heat up.

Not so basic Mead Braggot Melomel, etc. Details:

  • You can brew something other than a mead if you want, just recognize that most others will be doing simple meads.
  • Bring your own equipment if you intend to do a more complex brew — burners, tuns, chillers, etc.
  • Show up with a recipe! and some idea how you'll accomplish what you're doing.

As usual — but this time more vociferously insisted upon — bring food and homebrew (Mead, wine, beer) to share. Wootown and its members do an excellent job sharing dishes, and homebrew at this event, and this is an opportunity for us to shine AND be the courteous guests we know we are. Please don't show up empty handed!


No Hop Comp Details

Hey Baltibrewers, don't forget that we're also sponsoring the 2013 Gruit Ale, No Hop Comp at Liam's this Saturday. Co-sponsored with Liam's and Nepenthe. Comp starts at 7 p.m. and it's absolutely free to drink these herbal elixirs. Good idea to get there early, as we're expecting to reach capacity.

If you're looking for interesting, or you like weird, this should be your big stop.

Download the flier, and get yourself an entry form






Chilibrew VII pics are up on facebook.  Taken by the very talented Brian O'Doherty


October Monthly Meeting Agenda (THIS thursday!)

On the heals of a HIGHLY successful Chilibrew VII, please join us to keep the positive flow going as we discuss homebrew, some slight business, future brews, and of course TASTING!

Per usual, the meeting is at Nepenthe Homebrew at 8pm sharp.  BYO Chair and Homebrew.



  1. Education: How To Barrel Age Homebrew
  2. CHILIBREW VII wrap-up/congrats
  3. November Brew: Mead Brew with Wootown Homebrew Club
  4. Guild XMAS Party Details
  5. Nano Announcement - Ian
  6. Committee Volunteers for January group brew



And so it begins… Baltimore Beer Week 2013 according to Baltibrew

Baltibrewers at Chilibrew VIThat's right, Baltibrewers, and Baltibrew fans — Baltimore Beer Week begins today, and we wanted to give everyone out there a heads up on what we believe are the best events over the next ten days. Gird your livers, prepare your excuses for late arrivals at your jobs (Couldn't they have waited just one more week to end the furlough? Debt ceiling be damned!), and start taking your vitamins now, 'cause it's ON!

True to the nature of Baltibrew, we're gonna' stick primarily to events within Baltimore City that are accessible via public transit (It's good for the city, and good for you — and you can't get a DUI if you're taking transit like a responsible citizen) with a few excursions to choice events in the surrounding counties. The events are listed as close to being in chronological order as possible, with a few exceptions. Have a great time, be safe, and celebrate beer!

Friday, October 18th: 

  • Chilibrew VII — Sure the opening tap isn't until tomorrow, but this is the HOMEBREW OPENING TAP! Baltibrew presents our seventh celebration of the DIY spirit with a homebrew contest and chili cook off. Advance tickets are sold out, and competitor slots are full, BUT a limited number of tickets are still available at the door. Get there early to get your spot in what City Paper, and the Baltimore Sun are  calling an event not to be missed this week.  Continue reading