July 23, 2013 by admin
We hope you can join us this Thursday for our first social to enjoy some good beers, get inspired, and hang out with everyone without any official business to be discussed. Details below:
When: Thursday, July 25th starting at 6PM - ...
Where: Hudson Street Stackhouse
What: drink, talk, be merry
July 18, 2013 by admin
We meet tonight at Nepenthe. 8 p.m.
Bring a chair. Bring beer to Share.
Tags: Nepenthe
June 20, 2013 by admin
See everyone tonight at 8PM at Nepenthe. Bring a chair and beer.
May 15, 2013 by admin
The May regular meeting will be held Thursday, May 16th at Nepenthe at 8 p.m.
Items on the agenda are:
Bring a chair, and bring homebrew to share!
May 2, 2013 by admin
Baltibrewers are taking part in Bikemore's Homebrew Bike Tour event again this Saturday after Big Brew concludes. There are still tickets left. Buy them up, and join us for some great homebrew, and a nice ride around North Baltimore.
This April the club will be meeting at Sapwood Cellars for a social meeting in Howard County. The plan is to head to Black Flag afterward.
Baltibrew is a collective of homebrewers dedicated to the art and science of beer.