Club Posts

Groundhog Day + AHA

Don't drive angry Tomorrow is Groundhog Day, and Baltibrew will meet at Jon Blair's house to brew several beers (Chocolate Milk Stout, Ned Rye-erson IPA, and an Mexican-American Lager).

Mike Pietropaoli will be doing the Rye-PA Brew-In-A-Bag style. If you're unfamiliar with that unique process, this would be a great opportunity to learn all about it.

Jon has also invited members to bring their own rigs, and brew alongside him.

As usual, bring food and beer to share. Brew day starts at 10 a.m. sharp.

AHA Conference

AHA Philly Conference (a.k.a. the National Homebrewer's Conference, June 27–29) tickets go on sale Tuesday afternoon (February 5th), and hotel bookings begin that morning. To register, you must be an AHA member. Sign up if you haven't already, and intend to purchase tickets.

Much like our own Guild Holiday Party, this will sell out incredibly fast. Baltibrew, and many other Maryland clubs plan to attend the event. Philly is reputedly woefully under-represented on the homebrew front; the Free State intends to take up their slack.

We will send out a reminder prior to opening of sales to buy your tickets, but we'd very much like to have an idea who from Baltibrew plans to go so we can organize rideshares, hotel roommates, etc. Sound off in the comment thread of this post if you're planning to go, please.

Barley Legal III

Last but not least…

In conjunction with Wootown, Baltibrew has agreed to participate as co-organizers of the Barley Legal homebrew competition to be held March 23rd. More details on that to come, but keep it in mind for your brew scheduling.

January Minutes + 2013 Officers (Broken Attachment)

Regular January meeting took place on January 18th.

Read the minutes from the meeting to catch up on Baltibrew news.

The club will convene on Groundhog Day at Jon Blair's house to brew. More details on that soon.

Officer Installations:

Baltibrew is proud to announce its duly elected 2013 offcers.

  • Guild Representative: Mike Pietropaoli
  • Education Director: Jon Blair
  • Treasurer: Nick Lindow
  • Secretary: Ryan Boddy

January Regular

Tonight (1-17-2013) at 8 p.m, Baltibrew will meet at Dionysus on the second floor, as usual.


  • Announcement and installation of officers
  • Dues collection
  • AHA Conference reminder and planning

And of course we'll try some delicious homebrew.

Hope to see you there.

December Regular + Secret Santa

It's our final regular meeting of the year tomorrow, 12/20 — 8 pm at Dionysus in Mount Vernon.

We'll be conducting a Secret Santa bottle exchange, and we'll start making plans for Baltibrew's busy-as-ever 2013.

If you're interested in taking part in the bottle exchange, post to the forum thread, or email me before 5 pm today (Wednesday.) I'll be running a santa matcher and will notify you of your match well before tomorrow's meeting.



On the agenda for club business:

  • Officer nominations (Guild Rep, Secretary, Treasurer, plus discussion of additional elected roles, and preparation for an online vote.)
  • Guild Holiday Party Wrap-up
  • AHA Conference prep

If you're interested in nominating someone or yourself but can't make the meeting, post in the comments here and we'll bring it up at meeting.

Thanks, and hope to see you there.

Post-Hurricane Sandy Happy Hour to Help Alewife Queens

We really hope all you craft brew lovers will come out to support alewife queens on their road to post-sandy recovery:

(please share/invite whomever you think will be interested)