Below is the link to the minutes from last weeks November meeting. The most important thing is getting people to volunteer to help cook the items we have listed on our menu. We also need people to bring items they think will work for decorating our space willy wonka style, as well as dress up as special characters from the movie.
I've put together a spreadsheet for members to fill in in terms of stepping up in those categories Please go here and fill in what you will be doing in terms of decorations/food/costumes. The guild party is 2 WEEKS and although i know this week is busy, try and fill it in when you can.
Have a great thanksgiving everyone, travel safe, and enjoy your time with your family/friends. (and of course some great autumn beers)
We will be meeting tomorrow @ dionysus @ 8PM. bring your homebrew to sample/discuss. also reminder that Rob Kasper (the man who wrote the book on baltimore beer) is supposed to be joining us to sell his book/discuss it briefly before we get into official business.
Jason was on the scene again taking pictures during the great (albeit a bit chilly) group brew with the Wootown members up at the Snyder Apiary. We brewed mead, a braggot (all-grain), as well as a modified Sierra Nevada Celebration clone (extract w/ grain additions).
Thought people might wanna see some of the great pics from chilibrew VI taken by baltibrew member Jason Heinen. Thanks Jason.
UPDATE: here are some more pics from Sandy over at (starting at the church picture)
Hey Baltibrewers! Tomorrow, 10 am, at Snyder's Apiaries in White Hall, Maryland we'll be taking part in Wootown's annual mead mazing.
Bring a covered side dish, and beer or some other libation to share. If you'd like to take home must, bring cash and a clean fermenter and airlock. Honey is $3.50 per pound. Wootown will have a variety of wine yeasts available for purchase, but you can pitch any yeast you happen to have as well.
For the uninitiated, this is always a cool event. It's a beautiful location out in the country, and it's a great chance to mingle with one of our compatriot clubs. Weather is forecast to be cool, and partly cloudy so dress accordingly.
Some of us will be collectively brewing an un-hopped braggot — a beer/mead hybrid. Feel free to bring your own equipment if you want to brew yourselves, but remember that a 10 am start makes for a late finish. Extract may be preferable to all-grain.