Club Posts

Homebrew Bike Tour

Bikemore, Baltimore's bicycle advocacy organization is sponsoring the Homebrew Bike Tour on October 12th, as an event to raise money to support their continued activities.

Specific details can be found on Facebook, and tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite, but the gist is that you pay $20, and you get to sample home brewed beers at five stops on a pre-designed, secret route that you'll travel by bicycle.

Baltibrewer Ryan Boddy and Ladybrew's Laura Cohen have created some of the beers to be served. Come out and get a ride in, sample some homebrew, and support a good cause.

September Brew Day

We're brewing two different beers today at member Ian McDonald's house which is at 312 E. Belvedere Avenue.

These beers are in preparation for our Guild Holiday Party theme. Expect chocolate and caramel.

Hope to see you there.

MASHOUT 2012 Pics

Me, Jason, and Kevin all represented baltibrew and had a great time at mashout this year.   we definitely need to get more people here next year, what a great time.  check out the pics below:

September Brew Day – Recipes Needed

Last night we had a small meeting but were able to accomplish quite a bit. However, we need everyone's feedback on the September Brew to be able to move forward.

Let's assume we are going with the Willy Wonka theme, everyone seems to like that idea and is on board. Our next brew will focus on making beer for the Christmas Party, centered around this theme. The idea is to have 3-4 recipes going at once at the next brew (smaller batches of course) and have them each be chocolate based. Each recipe would do something different with the chocolate/willy-wonka theme. Some of the ideas we threw around were Chocolate-Orange, A Salty Chocolate Gose, a Chocolate Cherry and a lighter Chocolate (white chocolate?) beer that is dyed Purple.

Everyone can submit recipes in the comments below and then we can all vote on them. The top 3 will be the brewmasters for that beer (or will at least be in charge of delegating the brew to someone else). On brew day we will split up into teams for each recipe.

Besides the chocolate based recipes, we thought it would also be interesting to have one more experimental recipe that would be the" Oompa Loompa beer". This could be more bizarre than the others, so feel free to submit your ideas for that as well.

Here are the current  September Brew Details.

When: Sat. 9/22/2012
Where: Ian's Place
What: 3 Chocolate Based Beers
1 Experimental Oompa Loompa beer

Submit recipes and general comments below. We should decide on the recipe's within the next two weeks, so get them in ASAP so we can start the voting process.

July Meeting Minutes + Xmas Party Theme Ideas

Last week, despite the epic rain, a lot of us were able to get together to have a productive meeting and taste some members great homebrew.  Attached are the minutes, which I promise is a quick read.


Lastly, be sure to add in the comments of this post your ideas for our club theme for this years guild xmas party.  Be sure to not only include the theme, but also what food/drink/costumes/deocorations would work with said theme.  We had some great ideas thursday and want to pick one sooner than later since our september club brew will be beer for the party.

July Meeting Minutes
