July 18, 2012 by admin
Hope everyone had a good time saturday and those who took home wort are happily bubbling away. Here some pics from the days festivities.
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July 12, 2012 by admin

This Saturday July 14th, baltibrewers will unite at John Jesters House to brew up a rather large batch of what we're calling BALTIBREW de GARDE. Below are some important details:
- Here is the address of John's House (8804 Richmond Ave Carney, MD 21234)
- The brew will last from 9AM ~ 4/5PM. The more help we have the quicker it will go. Members taking wort: plan on being there for the entire time to help out (we promise you won't wanna be anywhere else anyways).
- This is a BYOFood event, so please add in the comments what you plan to contribute to the bounty (there will be a grill available).
- It's also rec'd to bring homebrew/beer to share (preferably some different bier de garde's to try)
- People bringing home wort (see below), please bring your clean bucket, lid, and air lock.
- Although the focus will be on brewing, there is a pool to dip into, so bring your suit and towel.
People taking home wort:
(let us know if you can't make it so we can plan accordingly)
- Ryan B
- Ryan D
- Steve H
- Mike P
- Ian McD
- Dan LaG
- Brent H
- Jester
- Thom R (new attendee - we need to contact him)
- Nate
- (Brent B. - bring your mr. beer fermenter just in case. we might be able to get you 2 gallons)
June 28, 2012 by admin
Below you will find the minutes, instructions for good sanitation/cleaning (that we went over during the meeting), as well as various info on competitions coming up. We had a great June meeting (with great beer shared by everyone) and i have highlighted the important stuff to remember:
- The July brew will be a Biere De Garde brewed at John Jesters House (directions forthcoming) on July 14th and will be lead by John and Mike Pietro. BE THERE for what's sure to be a good time.
- SIGN UP FOR WORT for the July brew! (in the comments please)
- Be sure to keep MASHOUT in mind for aug. 17-19 at Rocky Gap, MD. We would like to have a great baltibrew turnout, and it's an amazing beer event that has to be seen to be believed. The only req't. is you bring at least 5 gallons of brew to share.
June 2012 Baltibrew Meeting Minutes
Sanitation in the brewhouse
Upcoming Homebrew Comps
June 20, 2012 by admin
@ Dionysus.
Upstairs. (ask a bartender where to go if you can't find us.)
Agenda items include:
- Competition updates from John Jester
- July Brew Naildown
- Education Topic: Sanitation
- Mashout (update/reminder)
- Union Craft Brew Release Party @ Max's 6/29
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May 21, 2012 by admin
Great to see everyone who came by for the May meeting last week. We had a very good and productive meeting, and look forward to the guild picnic as well as our July brew.
Here are the MINUTES in case you weren't able to attend (or had too many dales deviant pale ale)
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