May 14, 2012 by admin
it's that time again, time to get together and talk about things we've done, things we're planning on doing, and things we've brewed. The May baltibrew meeting will be THIS thursday may 17th at 8PM on the third floor of Dionysus (ask the bartender how to get to the third floor if you haven't been there yet). below is the tentative agenda:
Guild picnic
Big Brew wrap up
Guild meeting
July Brew (what, when, where)
we hope to see you there and per usual, bring any homebrew you would like to share.
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April 20, 2012 by admin

Thanks to everyone who turned out. We got a lot done and tasted some great homebrew from Greg (lemongrass pale ale), Ryan B. (russian imperial stout, and dark mild from the RIS's second runnings), Nate (loose cannon clone), and Dan (Scotch Ale).
Here are the minutes, and see everyone on SUNDAY, for what's sure to be a great day filled with homebrew, chili, and friends!
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April 18, 2012 by admin
Well folks, it's April regular meeting time, and this one will be a doozy.
Usual time: 8pm
Usual place: Dionysus.
On the agenda:
- Chilibrew V
- Big Brew/May Brew (what are we brewing? how much? who's brewing?)
- Any other upcoming events?
- Education topic: Water Profiles
Whether you're coming to Chilibrew or not, we are in need of extension cords and/or power strips. Bring any you can spare to the meeting and deliver them to Steve Hulbert, who will label your items, and ensure they are promptly returned to you following the event.
Be prepared to pay dues if you haven't already, and as always you are welcome to bring homebrew to share after business is concluded. (Which is not to say you shouldn't purchase beers to drink during business from our fine hosts at Dionysus.)
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Tags: AHA Big Brew Day, April Meeting, Big Brew, Chilibrew V, May Brew, Water Profile discussion
March 21, 2012 by admin
We met last week at Dionysus.
Highlights were Jason Heinen and Ryan Boddy's short presentation/roundtable on yeast. Jason brought along a few nice bottles of two beers that used the same grain bill/hop schedule, but different yeasts, and we examined how the yeast uniquely affected the beers.
We continue our gear-up to Chilibrew V. Make sure you're looped in on the preparations via the minutes. If you can think of a sponsor, let us know and we'll work to get them involved.
Minutes! Read them!
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Tags: March Meeting
March 13, 2012 by admin
We're meeting this Thursday, March 15th, 8p.m. at our new Dionysus spot.
On the agenda:
- Clone Wars 2012: Are we brewing collectively for this? If so, how much, and where should we do it? Gotta' do it asap, since the deadline is 4/1.
- Chilibrew V: Chilibrew subcommittee will provide a status update, and we will begin assigning volunteer staff assignments
- March Brew Wrapup: We'll go over how it went, talk about how we can improve process, and solidify what went well.
- March Guild Meeting Report: John Jester will let us know how this past Monday's Guild meeting went.
- May Brew/Big Brew: We'll discuss the May brew, and whether we ought to do it @ Big Brew with all the other clubs.
- Mashout: We'll go over dates, talk about who is going to go, and what we need to do to rule Mashout the way we rule every other event we're part of.
- Texas Independence Day Chili Cookoff Prize: We'll discuss how we're hooking up this lucky prizewinner with a day of Brew-ed Baltibrew style.
As always, bring homebrew if ya got it for after meeting tasting, and let us know if you have anything else to add to the agenda.
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Tags: Chilibrew V, Clone Wars 2012, March Meeting, Mashout 2012