October 19, 2019 by lpbrewer
October 17th @ De Kleine Duivel
Ed Topic - Judy from Checkspot!
Judy Neff from Checkerspot brewing spoke and fielded questions about her experiences as a home and professional brewer.
Guild Updates & Upcoming Club Events
- Homebrew Extravaganza - Wednesday, 10/23 @ Checkerspot Brewing.
- $10 @ at the door. All proceeds go to BARCS.
- 10 slots left to enter the competition. Email Judy if interested.
- Turkey Shoot (MALT) @ Hysteria Brewing
- Mead Day (Wootown)
- Saturday November 2 at Snyder’s Apiaries, 4747 Norrisville Rd, White Hall Md.
Old Business
- ChiliBrew XIII!
- About 30 competitors and 200 attendees made this event a blast. Updates on the financials to come.
- Zymurnauts Crabfeast
- Great event, highly encourage folks to attend next year. A lot of commercial beer this year and the crabs were great.
New Business/Member Announcements
- Guild Holiday Party - Saturday December 7 @ Heavy Seas Brewery. Watch for an email thread to coordinate. We need to decide soon if we’re going to request a table.
- 2019 Cider Buy - Watch for an email to gauge interest. We have a contact at Weber’s but we’ll need a decent amount of interest to coordinate a pick up.
- Club Shirts - Max has been tasked with bringing cost information on the “work-shirt” style to a future meeting
- Craft Beer Events
- 2020 Baltimore Officer Nomination are Open
- ChiliBrew Czar
- Ed Czar
- Guild Rep
- Meeting Czar
- Social Secretary
- Treasurer
- Webmaster
- Greg was nominated to return as Treasurer
- ChiliBrew's Future - Ian floated the idea of spinning off ChiliBrew to operate under an established philanthropic organization. Both the eBoard and general membership were interested in hearing more so Ian will coordinate the information and bring it back to the club for discussion.
- Coor's Light & St. Jude - Evan annouced two upcoming events through Coors in support of St. Jude. A percentage of Coors lights sales will be donated and they will be accepting donations.
- Tuesday, 10/22 6-8 PM @ Gypsy Queen. Happy Hour and Raffle
- Friday, 10/25 5-7PM @ Penn & Quill. $20 gets you a carving pumpkin and a Coors.
Introductions - Old Members/New Faces
IRON BREWER – Kevin is the Current Iron Brewer, Iron Brewer Milk Stout is on for the November Meeting!
Homebrew Swap!
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September 20, 2019 by lpbrewer
September 19th @ De Kleine Duivel
Introductions - Old Members/New Faces
Guild Updates & Upcoming Club Events
- Crab Feast (Zymernauts/SPBW/Guild)
- This Saturday @ Goddard rec center!
- All-you-can-eat crabs, pulled pork, and other stuff w/ all-you-care-to-sample homebrews and professional cask ales. Two live bands and a Hombrew Contest. $60 for adults, $10 for kids 6-12, free for kids under 6.
- https://maryland-homebrewers-guild.ticketleap.com/nasacrabs2019
- Please accurately enter info as there will be security at the gate.
- Chains and Grains (Granite Run Brewers)
- Homebrew Extravaganza
- Wednesday, 10/23 @ Checkerspot Brewing
- $10 @ the door. All proceeds go to BARCS.
- 10 slots left to enter the competition. Email Judy to enter.
- Turkey Shoot (MALT)
- Mead Day (Wootown)
- Saturday, November 2 at Snyder’s Apiaries in White Hall Md.
Old Business
New Business/Member Announcements
- 2020 Officer Nomination
- Nominations will open in October for the following positions:
- Chilibrew Czar
- Education Czar
- Free State Homebrew Club Guild (FSHCG) Representative
- Meeting Czar
- Social Secretary
- Treasurer
- Webmaster
- Guild Holiday Party
- Saturday, December 7 @ Heavy Seas Brewery
- Club signups start on the September 25th
- Craft Beer Events
Ed Announcements
Becky is attempting to arrange for a guest speaker from a local brewery next month.
IRON BREWER – Kevin is the Current Iron Brewer
Jon threw down the gauntlet for Iron Brewer Milk Stout. Bring you entry in November!
Homebrew Swap!
Comments Off on September Minutes
September 18, 2019 by lpbrewer
A Chili and Homebrew Competition benefiting Baltimore Youth Arts!
You be the judge! Sample all you can eat and drink, and vote for the best Chili Con Carne, Vegetarian Chili, and Homebrew beer, mead, cider, or wine! Benefiting Baltimore Youth Arts, a grassroots Baltimore organization providing artistic and professional opportunities for youth in Baltimore, with a focus on youth involved in the justice system.
Date: October 11, 2019 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Location: Zion Lutheran Church (near City Hall)
Tickets @ Mission Tix: https://www.mt.cm/chilibrew-xiii
Competitor Tickets @ Yapsody: https://chilibrew.yapsody.com/event/index/452761/chilibrew-xiii-competitor-ticket
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August 16, 2019 by lpbrewer
August 15th @ De Kleine Duivel
Upcoming Events
- The Zymurnaughts Crab Feast is on for Saturday, September 21st! The event is from noon-6 and features all you can eat crabs, pulled pork, chicken, brats, and vegetarian friendly options. Early bird pricing is $55 bucks so it's quite a deal. Tickets: https://maryland-homebrewers-guild.ticketleap.com/nasacrabs2019/
- Our September group brew was scheduled for that Saturday but Jon is open to moving it to another Saturday so we can focus on the Crab Feast.
- Chilibrew is on for Friday, October 11th! Competitor tickets are on sale now: https://chilibrew.yapsody.com/event/index/452761/chilibrew-xiii-competitor-ticket
- If you know of anyone who might be interested in helping out designing a market asset to get the word out in local breweries and bars, please holler at the officers and we can connect you.
Iron Brewer
- Kevin won Iron Brewer Trippel! Congratulations! More to come on the next Iron Brewer challenge!
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