Tag Archives: 2016 Officers

Currently, all nominees are running unopposed. If you would like to run for one of these positions, please email the club at baltibrew@gmail.com prior to Friday, January 8th. If no one else requests to be added to the ballot, the following officers will be installed at the February meeting:

  • Brewmaster: Jacob Wolf
  • Chilibrew Task Czar: Mike Andrews
  • Quartermaster: Ciarán Ussher
  • Education Czar: Brian Arnold
  • Social Secretary: Ryan Detter
  • Treasurer: Nick Lindow
  • Secretary: Caitlin Manleigh
  • Guild Representative: Bob Caldwell
  • Meeting Czar: Ryan Boddy
  • Website Coordinator: Brent Hoffman

Anyone interested in volunteering as a second for any position should email baltibrew@gmail.com as well, without volunteers, officers will individually appoint seconds.

Nick Lindow is hosting a brew at his house on January 16th. Details on it can be found at its event page on Facebook.


Baltibrew meeting minutes December 2015.