Baltibrew's 2013 Big Brew participation will take place at Nepenthe this Saturday, May the 4th. Further details on the event can be found on the facebook event created by Nepenthe.
The long and short is that some of our members and a few of Brewtherville Labs' members will be brewing in Nepenthe's parking lot starting at 10 a.m.
If you're interested in brewing at the event, contact us to get coordinated.
Those of you who've already committed to brewing, please get your recipes to the folks at Nepenthe asap.
Well folks, it's April regular meeting time, and this one will be a doozy.
Usual time: 8pm
Usual place: Dionysus.
On the agenda:
Whether you're coming to Chilibrew or not, we are in need of extension cords and/or power strips. Bring any you can spare to the meeting and deliver them to Steve Hulbert, who will label your items, and ensure they are promptly returned to you following the event.
Be prepared to pay dues if you haven't already, and as always you are welcome to bring homebrew to share after business is concluded. (Which is not to say you shouldn't purchase beers to drink during business from our fine hosts at Dionysus.)
Greetings! We will be meeting this Sunday, April 25th to brew an American IPA at the home of member Matt McCann (2606 E. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21224). This is right across from Patterson Park, with Luzerne being the nearest cross street.
The brew is all-grain so we'll be starting early — Say 9 a.m. Gotta' get water up to heat early so we can mash in early. But show up when you want to thereafter. We'll probably mash in around 10.
Bring food to share, beer or other libations to share, and something to keep you entertained over a goodly bit of the day. Bring coffee or some breakfast item if you're coming early. All-grain brewing is a much more laborious, and time consuming process than extract, so be prepared to learn a ton, and have a great time as well.
In other news, the American Homebrew Assn's National Homebrew Day (5/1) — lovingly referred to as Big Brew — is swiftly approaching, and Baltibrew has been cordially invited to attend a number of different events to celebrate. You can join member Kevin Berry down at Maryland Homebrew for the festivities put on by that establishment AND a number of different clubs in the South, or you can join some of us — possibly Ryan B, if the wife lets him play hooky from moving duties — at the Thirsty Brewer for Wootown's collective Big Brew up North.
Wootown's Big Brew is on 5/8 — NOT 5/1.
With business out of the way… time to talk aesthetics.
Feast your eyes on the awesome label member Brent Hoffman designed to accompany our recently named Pagoda Porter. It's doubly appropriate that we'll be enjoying the better part of a Corny keg of this beer AT Patterson Park, NEAR the pagoda on brew day. Come out and have a taste.