Tag Archives: Homebrewcon

Homebrewcon 2016 has opened registration. (You'll need to be an AHA member to register.)

Are you joining us?

If you're registering and planning on attending the events with us, please drop us an email. We're working up ideas for Baltibrew specific events surrounding the con.

This conference hasn't been in Baltimore since 2005. This is an opportunity for Baltibrew to shine brighter even than it did in Philly for the 2013 con. Don't miss your chance to join us for the conference, and all the surrounding activities from June 9th–11th.

The conference is in Baltimore at the Convention Center right by Camden Yards. While all the events for the conference have not been posted or planned, the list of seminars is up. It includes some very interesting learning opportunities — including a seminar from our own Steve Hulbert on brewing in clay vessels.

The Club Night experience is always impressive, the vendors you encounter are pretty amazing, and the social setting is an excellent opportunity to meet homebrewers from all over the country. We'll be working to create the impressive spectacle that will be the Baltibrew table for club night.

Hope to see you at Homebrewcon.