June 19, 2014 by admin

Baltibrew's June meeting takes place tonight (6/19/2014) at Nepenthe Homebrew. We want to extend a giant thank you and welcome back to our gracious hosts. It's been a long month and a half without our clubhouse, much less a place to pick up supplies. So what's everyone's first brew going to be?
- Big thanks, and congratulations to Nepenthe on their reopening (and a big pat on our own backs for canceling our Big Brew plans, and helping them clean out the store).
- Guild Picnic wrap up.
- Mashout — and more specifically, Baltibrew's involvement in Sour Hour (Jason and Detter to lead discussion).
- July Brew with Killer Ales (Subcommittee to discuss details)
- Waverly Main Street partnership opportunity (8/30 event)
- Baltimore Beer Week 2014
- Chilibrew 8
- Gruit Comp
- Any other events?
- Ed Topic: Yeast Starters (Gibbs)
- Floor to club members for open discussion/new business
- Sharing of the homebrew!
If you'd like to see anything added to the agenda, comment on this post or email baltibrew at gmail.com.