Tag Archives: June 2014 Regular Meeting

panoramic photo of Nepenthe Homebrew's interior

Baltibrew's June meeting takes place tonight (6/19/2014) at Nepenthe Homebrew. We want to extend a giant thank you and welcome back to our gracious hosts. It's been a long month and a half without our clubhouse, much less a place to pick up supplies. So what's everyone's first brew going to be?


  1. Big thanks, and congratulations to Nepenthe on their reopening (and a big pat on our own backs for canceling our Big Brew plans, and helping them clean out the store).
  2. Guild Picnic wrap up.
  3. Mashout — and more specifically, Baltibrew's involvement in Sour Hour (Jason and Detter to lead discussion).
  4. July Brew with Killer Ales (Subcommittee to discuss details)
  5. Waverly Main Street partnership opportunity (8/30 event)
  6. Baltimore Beer Week 2014
    • Chilibrew 8
    • Gruit Comp
    • Any other events?
  7. Ed Topic: Yeast Starters (Gibbs)
  8. Floor to club members for open discussion/new business
  9. Sharing of the homebrew!

If you'd like to see anything added to the agenda, comment on this post or email baltibrew at gmail.com.