New meeting place Archives - Baltibrew A Baltimore collective of homebrewers dedicated to the art and science of beer Wed, 13 Mar 2013 15:34:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Meeting Location Wed, 13 Mar 2013 15:34:03 +0000 Once again, Baltibrew will move its monthly meeting location. We gratefully appreciate all that Dionysus did for us the past year or so, and wish the ownership luck on new ventures. Starting March 21st, we will begin meeting at Nepenthe Homebrew, located in Meadow Mill at 3600 Clipper Mill Road #130 a. Meeting time will […]

The post New Meeting Location appeared first on Baltibrew.

Once again, Baltibrew will move its monthly meeting location. We gratefully appreciate all that Dionysus did for us the past year or so, and wish the ownership luck on new ventures.

Starting March 21st, we will begin meeting at Nepenthe Homebrew, located in Meadow Mill at 3600 Clipper Mill Road #130 a.

Meeting time will still be 8 p.m, which is closing time for the shop, so get there early if you want to buy stuff. At least for this meeting, bring your own chair. 

You may (and should) still bring homebrew to meeting.

The post New Meeting Location appeared first on Baltibrew.

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