Tag Archives: NHC prep

February's meeting was productive, and efficiently SHORT! for once. Read the minutes.

Baltibrew is involved as a sponsor with Wootown's Barley Legal homebrew competition coming up on March 23rd. There's still time to submit your homebrew to the competition (March 16th deadline), but what we really need from Baltibrewers is your time to serve as a judge or a steward for the event. As the details on the site linked above will tell you, there's some great prizes available, and in the competition's past, volunteers have been very well taken care of.

Baltibrew is also gearing up for the National Homebrewer's Conference in Philadelphia this June. We've picked out an interesting theme for club night, and we're starting work on beers to showcase how unique our club is. Even if you're not planning to attend the conference, your input would be invaluable.

Last but not least, in gearing up for the 15th anniversary of the Free State Homebrewer's Guild, the guild has put out a survey that we'd like you to take. Deadline to complete the survey is March 10th.