Tag Archives: September 2014

It's that time again, Baltibrewers. Hard to believe it's already the third week in September, but this means it's time to meet at Nepenthe Homebrew at 8 p.m. tomorrow. 

Of key importance to this meeting is Chilibrew, so that will likely take up most of room on the agenda. In fact, our Ed Czars have given us all a break from class so we can focus on preparing for our Beer Week Final Exams.
So quickly, here's what we'll be talking about:
  • Chilibrew Chilibrew Chilibrew
  • Gruit Comp
  • General Beer Week Preparedness
  • Guild Notes (if any)
  • November Mead Day in White Hall
As usual, bring beer to share, and a chair.
Hope to see many of you there.