Wootown Archives - Baltibrew https://www.baltibrew.org/blog/tag/wootown/ A Baltimore collective of homebrewers dedicated to the art and science of beer Wed, 28 Oct 2015 19:23:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 November Group Brew: Mead Mazing https://www.baltibrew.org/blog/2015/10/28/november-group-brew-mead-mazing/ https://www.baltibrew.org/blog/2015/10/28/november-group-brew-mead-mazing/#respond Wed, 28 Oct 2015 19:02:28 +0000 https://baltibrew.hndc.online/?p=1718 Hey Baltibrewers! Like every year Baltibrew has been in existence, we're doing our November Group Brew with Wootown up at Snyder's Apiaries. This year's event is November 7th at 11 a.m. in White Hall, Maryland — an easy hop up Interstate 83. This is one of our funnest, easiest brews of the year. Mead making, […]

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Bottles of mead, yo!Hey Baltibrewers! Like every year Baltibrew has been in existence, we're doing our November Group Brew with Wootown up at Snyder's Apiaries. This year's event is November 7th at 11 a.m. in White Hall, Maryland — an easy hop up Interstate 83.

This is one of our funnest, easiest brews of the year. Mead making, or mazing as is the proper term, takes comparatively little time to complete than beer. It's in a beautiful location, and it's an opportunity to meet other brewers and learn about mead mazing, and to taste some excellent examples of the craft.

Knowledgable folks will be on hand to walk you through the process. All you need is a clean fermenter, money to pay for honey and/or yeast, and a side dish to share with the group. Bring beer or other libations to show off how awesomely Baltibrew does what it does.

Honey is between $4 and $4.25, and your average batch requires 12–15 lbs. of honey. You do the math on how much cash you need to bring, though Snyder's does take checks.

Hope to see you there!

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April Meeting/Brew 4-25 https://www.baltibrew.org/blog/2010/04/21/april-meetingbrew-4-25/ https://www.baltibrew.org/blog/2010/04/21/april-meetingbrew-4-25/#comments Wed, 21 Apr 2010 08:08:17 +0000 https://baltibrew.hndc.online/?p=86 Greetings! We will be meeting this Sunday, April 25th to brew an American IPA at the home of member Matt McCann (2606 E. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21224). This is right across from Patterson Park, with Luzerne being the nearest cross street. The brew is all-grain so we'll be starting early — Say 9 a.m. […]

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Greetings! We will be meeting this Sunday, April 25th to brew an American IPA at the home of member Matt McCann (2606 E. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21224). This is right across from Patterson Park, with Luzerne being the nearest cross street.

The brew is all-grain so we'll be starting early — Say 9 a.m. Gotta' get water up to heat early so we can mash in early. But show up when you want to thereafter. We'll probably mash in around 10.

Bring food to share, beer or other libations to share, and something to keep you entertained over a goodly bit of the day. Bring coffee or some breakfast item if you're coming early. All-grain brewing is a much more laborious, and time consuming process than extract, so be prepared to learn a ton, and have a great time as well.

In other news, the American Homebrew Assn's National Homebrew Day (5/1) — lovingly referred to as Big Brew — is swiftly approaching, and Baltibrew has been cordially invited to attend a number of different events to celebrate. You can join member Kevin Berry down at Maryland Homebrew for the festivities put on by that establishment AND a number of different clubs in the South, or you can join some of us — possibly Ryan B, if the wife lets him play hooky from moving duties — at the Thirsty Brewer for Wootown's collective Big Brew up North.

Wootown's Big Brew is on 5/8 — NOT 5/1.

With business out of the way… time to talk aesthetics.

Feast your eyes on the awesome label member Brent Hoffman designed to accompany our recently named Pagoda Porter. It's doubly appropriate that we'll be enjoying the better part of a Corny keg of this beer AT Patterson Park, NEAR the pagoda on brew day. Come out and have a taste.

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Mead Making https://www.baltibrew.org/blog/2009/10/27/mead-brew/ https://www.baltibrew.org/blog/2009/10/27/mead-brew/#respond Tue, 27 Oct 2009 17:32:54 +0000 https://baltibrew.hndc.online/?p=16 BaltiBrew has been invited by its sister/brother club Wootown to attend its annual mead brew event at the home of Wootown members Lloyd and Ruth Ann Snyder in Whitehall, MD. The date is Nov. 8th, and it usually starts halfway early around 9 or 10 am. I'll post further details as to exact times in […]

The post Mead Making appeared first on Baltibrew.

BaltiBrew has been invited by its sister/brother club Wootown to attend its annual mead brew event at the home of Wootown members Lloyd and Ruth Ann Snyder in Whitehall, MD. The date is Nov. 8th, and it usually starts halfway early around 9 or 10 am. I'll post further details as to exact times in the comments section.

If you're unfamiliar, mead is fermented honey — watch a viking movie, or read Beowulf or something, sheesh. The Snyders run an apiary — they're beekeepers, so they have plenty of honey available. Between Lloyd and the other members of Wootown — myself included — there should be plenty of knowledge about beer, mead, and brewing in general to go around. Some folks bring equipment to brew as well as make mead — me included — so it's not a honey-only affair. Lloyd and Ruth Ann's property is gorgeous, and — assuming the weather cooperates — it's a great fall outing.

These events follow potluck rules, so bring something to share. The BaltiBrew contingent is likely to be the only vegetarian/vegan populated group, so make sure you bring something of that type if you've got such restrictions.

If you want to take home a carboy of mead, you'll need to bring some money. I'll also post further details as to exact amounts in the comments as I find out, but it's usually around $30.

Hope to see many of you there.

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